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Everything posted by Boyer

  1. there is a kink on that one so it has to go that way. the other c box was crappily built in the USA by planet rails. never saw the hill once...
  2. the whoop in the landing buckbucked! me into the top of the halfpipe. otherwise everything was pretty damn good. seemed like the salt was getting pulled from the lips onto the beginning of the rails...???? anyway good shit park crew
  3. downhill dave? hey i think i met you at steel city sometime... for how many people showed up for the DH race at bear, even though most of us knew the course was lame, raced to have a good time and it proved support for bear creek. the place has sweet ass potential for huge stuff. the cross country loop isn't cuttin it for people who want to bomb down the hill. considering lehigh is only 20 mins away and the scene is bootilicious mudda fuggin crazy over there with south moutain crew! shakin their ass and showin people what's up, i'm sure people would be willin' to drive over for some liftie access. especially if they hire a liftie crew of ex-miss americas and maxim models wearing bikinis and rollin around in kiddie pools full of jello. def. attract the crowds. good ol' business degree from MOCO, know how to make da dubs
  4. like i said before... while they were closed they kept employees busy by letting them start ripping down the brand new lift and knocking down the brand knew hotel. tell that crazy shop guy to check the damn webcam. they already started the housing development over on timberline. bankruptcy doesnt necessarily mean you go out of business. donald trump files bankruptcy pretty much every year so he doesnt have to pay alimony to his 20 bitches and doesnt have to worry about if his casino is a loss.
  5. 20 ft urban handrail, red flatbar, and stepdown box, and 40ft flat box were set up really nice. the snowguns were blowing pretty much just water, so as soon as you hit the spot you almost double ejected... should be great for the weekend though.
  6. there.
  7. the worst thing we could do is try to be like big pebble and do a late night ski. that place sucks a nut and 9 1/2's.
  8. bring back the 70 foot bump to keep the sissies in the little park where they belong. rumor has it blue crew was gettin crispy on that shit last year
  9. Boyer


    yo dude. i came downstairs at 630 am to pop some nuggets into the oven befor work. i let the oven preheat as i was gettin dressed and came downstairs and it was full of smoke. the damn cleaning lady left one of those dish scouring pads in there... what the heck was she thinkin'? can't beleive the alarm didnt go off. well, i'll check you and the homies if blue plans on opening again this season, which i heard from a reliable source is not going to happen. the palmerton trailer park is moving in.
  10. i'm bringin some cold ones! BC CREW!
  11. Boyer


    nope, it's too late. they are having whatever employees remain rip down the brand new hotel by hand, and the new lift which was just completed will be torn down tomorrow. for the suckers who bought season passes, bear will be a housing development next week. check the webcam.
  12. as an ex-park crew member, long time BC CREW! mutha fucka member, dont expect to come out and have perfect conditions in 50 degree weaTHER. park crew did what they could... at least blue was open
  13. i guess that means we'll be there. i'll keep an eye out for you and the nip
  14. BC Crew! is rollin up tonight the 28th since bear is still closed. 1. is there still student night even though it's a holiday? 2. is it worth driving up for just the park?
  15. huge gap on with huge gap off. if its anything else anyone and their mother will be able to hit it and thats just gay.
  16. there is one near bear on dogwood road (off state st.) i think the owner of the property got pretty mad for insurance liabilities/people sueing him... it was pretty cool. you could jump cars and stuff but it all ended when adam snyder landed on his back and cracked a bunch of vertebraes
  17. i hope they have something new for the rail or bail... from what they had out for the santa's ski free day was a max of 8 ft long, and a box none the less. park crew did a good job maintaining shit, but my buddy and i had to laugh when we saw the triple box made out of pallets/wooden crates...
  18. i'll be there after work til close. riding Dions.
  19. Boyer

    christmas eve

    yup, its boyer thanks for saving me a wasted trip. i assume bear wont open back up by then but if they do they have a ridiculous amount of park stuff out.
  20. Boyer

    christmas eve

    1. so you have to dress like santa? full outfit or just red clothes and santa hat? 2. do they have a terrain park up and is it worth it? i wanted to come up and check the place out but if the park is crap bear creek is the better option. thanks
  21. what was that kid trying to do when he slammed his face on the rail?
  22. awesome first day. park crew did a sweet job getting shit out.
  23. andy! no big staircase? that would be pimp for opening day! good stuff anyway though. Big A is my hero
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