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About kmar2006

  • Birthday 10/15/1987

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    2 much stuff and its always growing and changing..... but usually just my snowmobile and a big gun snow gun that it
  • Sport
    Skier & Snowboarder

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Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    paintball.. ski..skis...ski..ski...ski...paintball....mtn bike... 4wheeler... 4x4ing... alot more

kmar2006's Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. no way its CA-D to the ILLAC .. how u been dude? i havent seen u since vail last year! we gonna get out and ride blue soon? cant wait man its been so long.. i gotta see u out rding with ur madsteezey style! peace
  2. the bus should be sweet..buried up to the blue stripe..all lexan cover windows..and u havent seen the lights yet..opps was i sosposed to say that? see u at the playground and bus stop!
  3. its b/c we have fan guns there..and its such a wide area to cover..and those guns make their own compressed air...
  4. the wall ride was lifted this year.. thats y it looks higher
  5. now thats funny 2
  6. no im not lol
  7. 2night?
  8. now thats funny it could be..but i know more than that
  9. i know when there making snow....
  10. hey sos.. u left out the dome?! whats with that
  11. there is no space beyond paradise.... it wouldnt boost people movement.. thats been looked into already...think bout it.. when one chair stops the other is moving.. if it was a quad.. when itd stop everyone stops.. 2 lifts like that is better, faster and equals more pople to top of mtn.. then a quad would..
  12. well its in what u guys think? id like to claim the offical name is "the fish box" because it looks exactly like half a fish from the side..... i said its sweet... looks like everyone was having fun on it 2 night... my snowmaking boss and i were looking at rail pics 2 night.. neone got any cool ideas? for new rails? you can email me pics at kmar2006@hotmail.com...or message me up.. hope everyone liking the park! keep riding theres no business like snowbusiness
  13. sup jon.. like i told u tonight give bird a call he'll help you out.. u gonna ride with him ne of these nights?.. we moved the LMC crain groomer up to sidewinder 2 day.. to get ready to move stuff.. should be cooml he has some stuff started that i saw on it 2night when we made snow
  14. in store for tonight.. finish up sidewinder.. razors...midway..mainstreet ...chute...lazy..... some fans guns..tubing....etc
  15. lazy will be blown on tonight.. we hooked it up 2 day
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