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Everything posted by kmar2006
hey guys... they box isnt new its the same from last year but we added clear sides and the lights.. the box should be alot better when the sensor is put it.. it will automattically turn on when someone hits hit then turn itself back off...... paradise should be possible open tomarrow.. burma maybe 2... ummm... monday the new zawg for pipe shows up and long with it comes the guy whos gonna make rails... but shhh i didnt say nething im out like fat chick in dodgeball snwmaker
nice to be back.. atleast im welcome... see u friday
ok.. what u guys wanna know..... i dunno when i can post again im always up there... umm we'll most def. be open friday unless something happends... "first open last closed" my snowmaking moto... we will be open,... umm dont worry bout warm weather were waiing til wednesday to strat grooming so we wont have problems.. we have more then enough snow .... i could tel u more but thatd be giving all my secrets away.. peace out see u friday
im working hard.. but now im hammered..erederedered
have the vert and 1/4 of size also means more help grooming everuything.. the park isnt all of blue mt.. you dont know how long it takes to groom 1,000 ft of trail.... let alonf have 4 groomers do it all in one night.. plus level out snowmaking by morning and groom that... and rebuild the park? you have to add that into mix
have you ever operated pisten bully? our park operator is the best in the area guarnt. he wants to do other things the designs never get to him... he has over 16 years of experience... and i have driven park bullys and i know how hard it is,.. its not just pushing snow you cant comment on it til you drove it it takes alot of talent.. you doing something with both hands and feet at all times its not as easy as it looks...
i wont promise... its what the gm told me
okay... i dunno where to begin... ill take my not 100% sure info first.. the new trail will not be a terain park.. it also will almost positivly not be ready for next year... as of yesterday i was with the GM of blue and he told me to let my friends know that a man will be coming in that designs terrain parks out west.. he gave me a name but i forget.. he said he designed some parks for ski/snowboard camps too.... he is sosposed to be here in august to replan both parks along with new rails... thats from the GM mouth.. i spoke with him at a wedding we were both at for a friend.. kinda weird that it was at bear creek.. we were standing feet away from one of the best parks discussing it and how that ski area is doing.. we talked bout alot... i cant mnake promises but thats what he told me... and theres no reason to pull my chain as i work for him.. i just hope it all falls through ne question you can always email me... he said this might excite a few people..
id like to change my blues sold comment.. not offically there are some problems with shares.. or so i heard .. b/c like i said before ray doesnt own 100%... so the buyer i thoughty would have it might not so i dunno what to tell everyone...
if u want a seasonal locker go up top the ticket office before the season starts.. they'll either give you one or add u to the waiting list.. also be sure to ask if there is any at valley lodge they also have some there.. so if u cant get one up top try valley.. hope that helps peace
no emails yet..? am i gonne get some ideas? kmar2006@hotmail.com
no room.. and no speed.. thats the prob.
no 2 much work skied in vermont for week though......my friend taped some stuff at bc for me though so i do know some of their features
hey, id like to know if anyone wants to give me info of rails, jumps, jump locations.. on either sidewinder lower sidewinder or terrain.... ill make sure they get into good hands.. i dont want comments i want some good drawing/dimensions emailed to me at kmar2006@hotmail.com.... i cant promise but ill make sure they get into good hands....
leads tp phone tower not blue's slopes... good try thought
i dont wanna spit names round net.. its not krells its a older guy whos part owner with ray.. and has been for years
and you guys all do know ray doesnt own 100% of the mountain... right.. u know that?
ill believe it when my boss tells me that
so u liked it? now you know who has the right info on here bout blue..
believe what you belive.. but i saw the signs ready to go in for lower sidewinder
not sure if itll happen but .. wait and see.. the trail might be changing alittle... maybe even this year yet
i doubt ull see th trail open next year.... new lift mey or may not happen.. possible new groomer for tubing.... maybe chenging lower sidewinder around either this year or next year.. ull have to wait and see
its up in the air it depends on how this weekend goes (how full we are) then a decision will be made shortly after.. were blowing snow again 2 night though
we build a good course?
the snowboard instructors said the gaos in the top of it was wrong.... which it was the plans never called for that... but its back now.. not in yet .. andlong with the 10ft 20ft box..... justo the pipe problem has to be brought up to tim and keith this year is the first year they are sosposed to be cutting it..... but i dont know if they know the corect time to.. the pipe must be cut when its warmer out and when the temp will fall in the evening.. it must be cut when warm closed and allowed to settle.... as for park conditions today we dug out hoses and should be blowing on it for the last rebuild possibly... dont know if it will be a full demolition on the park or just ad snow in between jumps and touch em up... its hard to keep the park up to spec.. a few weeks ago we had colder temps... better snow.. when its sugar you cant rebuild a park.. and when its slush like now you cant either.. wait for colder temps and we'll see what will happen... we have 5 groomers and only so much time.. our head groomer is the best and it takes hours just to do the park there is alot of trails to worry about... i advise anyone with problems to contact the mountain....and also if you have problems with jumps/rails (take off and landings) talk with the park crew thats what they're there for