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Everything posted by burtonse7en

  1. Thanks man boulder was a lot of fun librider and I were so stoked. awesome weekend cant wait to shred it up again
  2. yeah im gonna but up there tommrow (1-17) yo gray puffy i dont know if you remember me but i rode with you opening day with librider. ill look for you tommorw.ill probley be in camo pants and a brown jacket if its cold. white helmet.
  3. i agree with what you guys are saying style is a huggggggge part of snowboarding. and thats why in a lot of snowboarding movies 99 % of the spins in the movies are 7's or below. i am not trying to say that 1440's are the best trick in the world. i was doing them for my own personal intrest on seeing what spin i could get to and land. im not saying that i dont do 5's or 7's with style, i accually love doing 7 melons and stomping the shit out of them. i just see what i can accomplish as my highest spin ever. so i hope this whole thing can stop now. you guys seem to know alot of snowboarding. i am not and would not go against what your saying. and i hope we come to and aggrement and just drop this.
  4. thanks papasteeze for all your support and back up. but people its not like i only throw hurricane 14's i have done from 180's to 720 floated grabs also. so just because you saw me chuckin 14's does not mean thats all i have. hey papa PM me when the next time your going to big boulder id like to ride with you.
  5. yeah papa that was me. lol i was bib number 120 hm i pretty sure i remember you. i was in the upper divison i was bib number 120
  6. well honestly dude i dont know who you are and i have no problem other than the fact that you were dissing on me throwing 1440's with out grabs. im sorry, i didnt know it was a crime for throwing spinns with out grabs. its not like i try not to put style and grabs into my spins they will come. i just want to get the spins first and then throw style with it. and if you were being serious about the battleship box i appreciate the compliment. i broke two boards and a pair of bindings doing them.
  7. nothing really dennissss you?
  8. whatever call it what you want. make as many jokes as needed it really does not effect me or my riding but i try my best.
  9. yeah dude i was throwing 12's for most part and i landed one 1440. but i guess it wasnt good enough to take it for the shop. but the team that won the shop deserved it. they are really good exspecially tom weise he is sponsord by burton and oakley throws down mad dope. accually dude i can throw pretty sweet floated 3's and i did get a 12 and 1440 and if you want me to prove it to you i would be most delighted to prove it to you. you can ask a lot of people i got most of it on video. so dont say shit unless you know.
  10. yeah i deff agree with 60 footer. it was hell of a lot better. and i just want to give a shout out to papasteeze i saw you at the mountain filmin i was the one at the end of the comp when you got me doing a 1260.
  11. i will be there wednesday, with librider and or friends that have a GL2 camera for some sweet footage. anyone else going wednesday?
  12. yeah i deff. agree, i was there sunday and they groomed merry widow midday and i also have never seen any mountain do that either.
  13. yeah the set-ups pretty sweet. just in the begging of merry widow the street style handrail is hard to get speed for. but everything else is pretty good.
  14. hey if that kid your talking about in the white helmet wore a throw back lakers jersey then thats me. i was with librider, gurp and a bunch of kids from my school.
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