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Everything posted by EOS_400D

  1. andy and mullen and a few others were gapping to that center rail, here's a decent shot of andy's last hit. it's so grainy, it was shot at ISO 1600 cuz there's very little light there. definitely a daytime shot to get.. or with a few flashes set up. BALLIN' !!!
  2. all are good points, plus the fact that that area is dedicated to ski school. if you've ever seen it on a sat/sun morning midseason, you know that it's crawling with n00bs. haha. seriously though, i think it would be a cool idea, but in that spot there's no way it would work.
  3. i hate how skiing/snowboarding is a giant fashion show.. and i hate how it's cool for a bunch of suburban white kids to dress like they're 'hood' while they're participating in a traditionally rich, white sport. leave the damn jerseys on the basketball court, it looks ridiculous.
  4. every day that bear was open we were able to maintain each and every lip and landing all day long. it was a hell of a lot of work but every member of park crew was out there working their asses off. the groomers kept things even and level. we did it with mere inches of snow.. why is it that Blue can't seem to do the same? and grilledsteeze.. so you would pay 40+ bucks a shot every time you wanted to ski? great.. good for you. i'm glad you're all die hard. to me, that's just plain stupidity. i mean come on, like any of you would willingly pay $42 to ski saturday's conditions again? like i said, if you would it's just stupidity. you might as well flush money down the toilet. the least they could do is offer half price tickets or something. midseason prices for what i skied on yesterday is rediculous.
  5. the only reason i decided to make the trip is because everyone's been saying how blue's doing so well right now. i went there expecting much more. the website said they had 14+ trils open and 4 lifts or whatever. i figured the conditions would be a little spring-like, but not like it was mid april.
  6. hey guys, just thought i'd drop by and give some outsider feedback. first of all, who better to understand the idea of working with crappy conditions than someone dealing with bear's status right now? haha. i know you guys have had some warm weather just like the rest of us. with that said, what i saw yesterday (saturday) was pretty bad.. even for warm preseason-like conditions. what it showed was not lack of winter, but lack of effort. trail coverage was horrible. there were 30-40" high piles of snow on both sides of all the trails (which had been turned into death bumps/ruts by little kids), while the middle of the trails was this minefield of bumps and ruts. other spots had 6" deep or less puddles of brown soup with rocks coming through. can snow not be pushed from the sides to cover the middle? what could be considered the terrain park was rediculous. one shoulder high jump that was beyond neglected, and 2 rails? so the big parks aren't up and running yet, ok.. but maybe try putting in a few more features? maybe try maintaining the few that you have available? what i assume was park 'crue' was standing next to one flat box the whole time i was there, yet landings were badly rutted and lips were choppy and soft. basically, when it comes down to it, rakes/shovels aren't canes to hold yourself up on.. they're tools to work with to make features for customers to use. IMHO, there is no excuse for a mountain of Blue's potential to ignore simple maintenance issues and let their conditions go to crap as they seemed to on saturday. Bear put forth 10 times the effort and it showed. Blue has been hyped as having the best conditions so far and best terrain setup and all sorts of stuff. everyone knew that bear had little or no snow, but they did all that they could and it was damn good. $42.00 (for only 12:30-5pm) to ski that junk yesterday.. insane.
  7. that's a good point.. most of the time this area doesn't even see any anow until january or later. the philly area is famous for late winter snow storms. blizzard of 96 (which i still remember perfectly) was in mid january and continued into late feb. march can even bring lots of snow. yes it sucks having such warm weather, but it's really not that much of a big deal. bear's losing money being closed, but then again, it is only the very beginning of the season. a little patience would do everyone some good.
  8. looks like someone needs to go back to elementary school and learn about climates and how temperatures affect the world.
  9. hahaha, that sounds so epic.. that could be a perfect line in some random movie trailer
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