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Harvestor of Sorrow

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    Head skis and Burton board
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    Skier & Snowboarder
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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Do tell. I'm sure there's a story in there somewhere. Did they ruin a pair for you or something?
  2. This place could F up a wet dream. The only thing up there worth eating is the soft pretzels and they switch to some shitty gourmet joint. I'm gonna grill up some food for whoever wants it, free of charge if you're a PASR regular. Look for me in the valley parking lot sunday morning until about 4. I have a green Ford 250. Look forward to seeing whoever shows.
  3. For the people who get their shit stolen from a locked car, that sucks. But for the people who leave their skis, shoes, bags, etc unattended and get them jacked, that's all on you. Would you leave cash laying around? No. And that's what people see when they see your shit. A friggin locker costs a few quarters. And the equipment check is free. You have no excuse. But the bottom line is, people suck.
  4. That's assuming that there are 2 or 3 guys only doing edge & waxes. But, on a saturday at Blue, you won't have that luxury.
  5. Had my skis tuned there a few weeks back on a saturday. You gotta get there early though, cause when rentals crowds are huge, all the employees are busy with that. I think I was in there dropping them off around 8 or so, wasn't real crowded. If your skis have been sitting for 2 years then most likely all you'll need will be a side edge and wax. I paid $20 for that. They also offer a edge and hot wax for more $$. Ask for Shawn or Ty, they've both hooked me up good in the past. And dude, that takes longer than 2 minutes.
  6. I hear that the help sucks so they can't open it anymore.
  7. Anyone gonna check this out? I've heard rumors of a 1300 lb impending disaster coming down the hill. Should be wild.
  8. I dare you to. See how far that gets you. Hellllllllllllllllo, Bear Creek.
  9. Then why have you been reading it for the last 3 hours, dumbass?
  10. You're right. But mixed with one of the new chemicals they had to use this year due to the warm weather, it can form into a very abrasive substance. Just as long as they use the right mixture, everything will be fine. If not, look out.
  11. Ok, I was at the Boot today and I heard a nasty rumor. I was eating lunch seated next to what could have only been some snowmakers. And I overheard them talking about their plans for the week. So when I heard the word SnoMax I was alarmed. I trust you all know what SnoMax is. I think it's safe to say everyone should watch themselves for the next few weeks. Be careful out there guys. I'll update this later on if I hear anything more. I have a few moles on the mountain. Peace out.
  12. I heard it's TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. No doubt. No doubt.
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