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About suittman

  • Birthday 01/01/1911

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    NYC area

suittman's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. I came up last night.. "working from home" today (of course home is a blackberry on the slopes ) About 2 inchs on ground at Frost already .. MORE coming...
  2. 6:30 AM - I have a home at JF.. Dry right now - Windsheild DRY No Ice or rain. ~ Temp mid 30's, ~ forcast looking pretty good, slight chance of passing rain or drizzle, and maybe some peaks of sun ~ Looks like it should be a decent ski day..
  3. YOU ARE CORRECT - I was looking in wrong place....
  4. Not on the website trail map - Its on the printed trail map I have (hard to read, under the blue sq) but not on this
  5. Just noticed you are correct - FUNNY - its on the map just NOT LABELED Its the trail under the ABSTACT lift between T-bolt/thunderbolt and Demattes.... Never notice that before...
  6. May be Staffing issue ??? Staff was probably hired to start the planned opeing of the 8th.. That and the cost of running 2 mountains when there aren't that many people out yet... But what do I know ??? Guess its another weekend at Boulder
  7. Websiite updated says "Blowing starting TONIGHT..."
  8. just back from Frost - they finally opened about 9.. WARM,,, not too many people... Not sure how much longer they can hang on... Lots of WET spots, Lots of brown starting to show thru, getting narrow in places... But its OPEN and Its White (kinda), I heard East was the best (but didnt bother to go over there) Hey it counts as a ski day..
  9. Guess its time to get dressed and see how the snow held up... LOTS of rain on mountain last night
  10. Its about time... linky to jfbb web cam
  11. Frost has a GREAT "snow monster" program for little kids (ages 3 - 10) - Our 5 year old has been to this prorgam a few times over the past 2 years.... 3 hour sesion (either at 9 or 1) for around $70 including equip .... For bigger kids or adults ( ages 9 and up) - wanting to ski for 1st time, there is the "discovery" program.. around $80 incl equipment and ticket.. "This is an ongoing lesson in which you can join at any time within the session times. Station based lesson-move at your own pace" Check the JFBB website for more details... both good first timer programs for kids.. No mater which mountain you go to,,, I suggest getting there when they open 8am on weekends, they all get busy later in morn.. Have fun !
  12. I had 8 on one wicket before they fell off... Now only use one per wicket
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