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Everything posted by A_B

  1. yeaa
  2. weather.com
  3. it was def not all jumps last season. post some ser suggestions
  4. i was at BB when they had one trail open...and the lips werent perfect and most of the landings were rutted out for hours. im not sure which BB u are talkin about.
  5. they also have alot more snow to play with
  6. yea i was there this morning 9-1130 and it was realll nice. so much better than the past 2 days
  7. talk about bindings in the gear forum
  8. wow u can have fun on a snowboard without riding in the park??? would have never thought..
  9. they would never make BC park only, i hope that wasnt a serious question
  10. the last part of the video is from the 'white album" DVD.
  11. ive seen most of those clips in other real productions/snowboarding videos. i think there are laws protecting the copying of them. you actually think that is good? i hope not
  12. A_B

    Tune Shop

    bob what kind of discount to employees get?
  13. I was there at 830 and they were blowing
  14. no actualy he was the guy that was sent to us...after telling the first person we needed help with boards...they said hold on ill get someone...so they sent this person..who told us he didnt know much about boards...true story...my poor impression was accurate
  15. lilmill...judging by your last post, you should stop posting.
  16. i went to nesters yesterday and some dude came over to help...when we told him we were lookin for a wide board.. he said " ah sorry guys i really dont know to much about boards" so i said thanks. so i wasnt impressed.
  17. thats wierd
  18. A_B

    BC Rail Jam

    thats their fault for not checking the website or calling. thats like driving to school or classes without checking for delays/closings when it snows. its supposed to be pretty bad tomorrow and im sure they are aware of the storm..
  19. A_B

    Boots for sale!

    it didnt i was messin around...so are u intersted in buyin them??????? cmonnn
  20. A_B

    Boots for sale!

    i did post there also. before this one. are u the post police
  21. rome artifact
  22. i don't think going for a job through an online forum is promising. but do what ya gota do.
  23. haha the lights are onnn
  24. noobs and kids have a hard enough time getting off of the quad...and getting on the quad
  25. A_B

    Rome Design 155cm

    cabin craft ski shop 610 287 7064 i picked up last years artifact for 275 there 2 months ago.
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