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Jessica Anne

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Everything posted by Jessica Anne

  1. I ride boulder just about every night =)
  2. its about 20-25 minutes from Towamensing Trails. not a far drive at all
  3. haha i just got a kick out of watching people fly down the mountain and into the woods =). it was a fun trip, i mus admit.
  4. eh.. i'm not a big park rider.. but i went to both bear creek and boulder today.. and i was not feeling bear at all.
  5. camelback kicked my ass on monday... i'm really feeling it today =( hope you get betetr soon!
  6. i might go, all depends on the whole family thing. i rode bear creek today.. it was quite bare.. but have a gerat christmas everyone =)
  7. i rode mountain creek monday, i can't wait to see what the mountain is like later in the season =)
  8. i wanna goooo ride. haha. no car today though. =( this sucks.
  9. i only stayed for like an hour and a half. it was toooo cold with the wind and the snow making going on. i'm normally down for riding a whole day, but forget it today =)
  10. sooo boulder was okay today. what is there to do on a sunday night though? we are all hella bored. gimme ideas =)
  11. so a realll funny thing just happened. i just went to go buy bindings. and left with a whole new board and a set of bindings. Forum Star 149 and a set of sweet Rome bindings. soo i'm heading up there tonight. who else is going out tonight? lemme knowww <3 I'll probably be up there tuesday night. message me and i'll give you the details.
  12. hows you arm doing?
  13. so whats the deal for this week? what days are they open? and are any of you going? let me know =)
  14. i'm still debating on coming over this morning and taking a few runs before work. but i'm def gonna be there tonight. no red white and blue tho =( but whatever. and i know how it is when your friends are too busy with their significant others. my girls ditched me last season for their boyfriends. but just go out and make the best of it
  15. i'll be there. maybe for a little in the morning. but i'll def be there after work <3
  16. i'm stoked to ride tomorrow. who all will be there tomorrow night?
  17. well i'm out. hopefully see you all on saturday
  18. oh i am stoked. i can't wait to get out there again. seems like forever.
  19. well someone is excited =P
  20. its been soo cold here by big boulder the past few nights. its been crazy
  21. blue isn't too far from me either. i def wanna hit that this year.
  22. big boulder. it's only 5 minutes from my house. but i wanna ride everywhere this year if i get the chance to
  23. thanks for the heads up. i need a new crew to ride with this year =(
  24. i'llbe there.. around 8:30 both nights. hopefully. stupid work =( can't wait to see you all
  25. aw i'm sad i missed this one. hope you all had fun =)
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