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Everything posted by uninc
did big boulder get ranked in the top 5 on the east? i keep seeing things things referring to it on big boulders myspace but i cant find anything bout it on tws or bigboulderpark.com
tt c6 fluffy has no reason to post his name on here not just because he doesnt want his name on the internet he prob wants to just give the information conifidentally to all of us who are interested, he may not have power in what is happening at the mountain he may be just a laborer working for the mountain who has heard or been told some of the information about the changes happening to the mountain over the summer which would mean he doesn't want to and cannot act as an official spokes person for jfbb mainly because if any information he posts is inaccurate or false jfbb can come on here find out he posted it and get him in trouble fluff im not sure what u do at frost, i worked at boulder 1year ago and i just put down some of the reasons i wouldn't post w/ my name if i wasn't told to sorry if this doesnt make sense(its been a long ass day)
eagle rock is a good place to learn how to ride. However in order for them to open up a majority of there good trails they need a good cold spell do to the lack of snowmaking they have I may not be right as of now, last time i was there was 2 years ago and then they had maybe 20 snowguns top and one groomer so conditions can either be good or bad One major thing to watch with them is they advertise like crazy for what they do not offer example terrain park ( they do not know the first thing about building a terrain park or half pipe) If you are interested in learning to ride go there (there ski school is pretty good) and there beginner trail are pretty easy except for the steep spot going into the small lift you also have to watch out for the uneven grooming, on a couple of the trails they tend to pull people into the wood when they dont know how to hold an edg also the mountain doesnt have much room for intermediate riders it is either really flat or steep they do a have 2 decent trails that go to the bottom of the mountain but they are long and usually open late in the season if not at all i could remember 2 seasons they did not open them lift lines are non existant there except when a bus comes you will get a line on the small lift but the long lift lines are almost non existant the lifts do make very long non expectant stops If you want to learn to ride or get away from people and have the whole mountain to yourself i would suggest going there if they have all there trails open
(not sure if this is just somtin i made up during my headinjury bull shit) merry widow marble ledges
they got fired from boulder because they were hired to build rails and parks and they were going around messing around with all the brand new snow guns also the heads they brought in from other mts didnt get along wit park logic guys
putting jibs on the pipe walls were the origonal idea for the pipe because there was not enough vert, but after huf thought about it they realized ruts would form to easily going in and out of the feature and that it would be to hard to keep in good condition next year i would like to see a wider variety of rails and some more booters and some ppl not scared shitless of them so i have someone to ride wit
the channel gap on BOULDER PARK even though i never saw anyone else hit it last booter on BOULDER PARK day of mikenmatts jump off even though it killed me out for the season cuz of it battle ship on widow the channel gap on BOULDER PARK even though i never saw anyone else hit it last booter on BOULDER PARK day of mikenmatts jump off even though it killed me out for the season cuz of it battle ship on widow
wow thats odd i havent been there in a while due to an injury but wow my only guess could be it is really hard for park crew to maintain jumps in this warm weather and im not to sure but earlier in the season i heard the ian helps run the us open in stratton so that could be y the website wasnt updated and the parks might not be top shape i hope the parks get better even though i cant ride them any more
same here just lookin to see whats up for next year im also pretty much out for the season took a nice blow to the head (bleeding to the brain) ill be back eventually but no park this year
pipes decent i enjoyed it walls are a little 2 close not enough flat bottom and not enough vert alright for a foot of air after that it gets tricky when riding the walls dont carve to much cuz u will loose to much speed this is as of last sat not sure how it is (not gunna be riding for a couple weeks got knocked out in the mikenmatts jump off
that is deff a channel gap if you carry enough speed u land furher down on the landing past the gap but trust me there is 2 landings my first attempt i came up short but its awsome after you figure it out
that channelgap is sick i didnt see anyone really hit it i wanted to 7 it but i was only spinnin 5s cuz the gap was fuckin wit me
channel gap could be bigger i personally wanted it to be second hit and somethin that would scare the shit outta me its not 2big got it pretty easy last jump on boulder is sick (how come there was no one good ridin boulder today i saw 2 other kids than me spin and they werent anything special) its hard to ride a park when ur the only one tryin shit
they have a 50 ft street rail i like the idea of all new shit goin in the parks it changes it up so we wont be like camelback wit the same shit each year who ever thought of putting a bus in a park is a dumb ass i cannot possibly see blue making it a good set up (if the rumors i heard go correct we will have something 10 times better in our park, next year merrywidow is gunna be fuckin crazy)
there not gunna put any of the old rails out on the park they wanna make all new shit
the last jump on boulder would be nice if it had a landing and for all you ppl who say there not smooth stick in freedom or widow the jumps on boulder were perfect when it was built and the first jump is still nice as hell yea its not as easy as either one of those parks because its not supposed 2 its supposed to scare the shit outta u
my guess would be they didnt build it right if it was constructed right i should be just simple wieght distribution i havent been 2 blue yet but a couple years ago they had a slightly curved box which seemed stupid im not a big fan of circus rails but properly built s+c boxes r alot of fun
i like your idea papa for the last jump on boulder if you dont like the setups at boulder dont go to boulder i would much rather ppl not riding on the lips of the jumps or on the landings i also have not seen blues park this year but heres a hint a park does not belong on a windy trail a nice straight steep trail for boulders park i would like to see them regrade the park and make it a little slower in spots so its not so quick it seemed 2 me u landed a jump and then had to speeed check quick then hit another jump
i really think a lot of the locals at boulder and friends wit the park crew guys who film are way into jibing and are scared of the big park
not sure who u r talkin 2 but i fell on trying a 9 and got 7.6 next run i tried a 7 over the same hit and fell cuz of the pain i was in and got a 0
im not sure how they do the judging but i got a higher score 7.6 on areas that i fell and a 4 on areas i landed i happy though i got 7th with the shittiest run of my life and most painful sprained wrist tweaked back 1st run= fun second run maybe next time
they are just saying what is coming soon at big boulder also ian is extremely busy and doesnt have enough time to update the website remember when they said they were gunna be 95% open on the weekend they were so im happy
over the summer i heard that camelback was gunna be super committed to an awsome park if they were so commited they should already have that park open look at boulder they blew snow on all there parks first but didnt put features up on some until there was more terrain open
i think it means it will be somewhat boarder cross wit rolllers banked turns and all that fun stuff through out the season i believe there going to be doing more stuff like that because they want ppl to get use to a park only mt
for employees its because they prob had ppl show up get the job then never work and ride for free this way if u dont work for x amount of time they can cancel your pass