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Everything posted by uninc

  1. head over 2 frost they have alot more beginner trails than boulder and are on one side of the mt the trails at boulder are a little bit steeper and narrower
  2. yea i just yell drop and if someones in my way who doesnt know what there doin i just go for it, it gets fun when multiple ppl r on the lip of the jump at the same time
  3. think about how many college students kids from other local mts that dont have good parks if a whole mt is a park they will want to come you wouldnt have 2 wait an hour to drop i take it you freeride i like mixin it up a bit but from a park riders view this would be an awsome idea no beginners going down the hill to cut you off mainly just kids who know what there doing and remember if its good enough they will come
  4. merry widow is taking a betting but freedom is still in pretty good shape maye some barespots
  5. last year freedom was the skischool hill hence the snowmonsters area to the left magic carpet discovery area that was one of park logics dumb ass ideas im a snowboard instructor i tell all my students not to ride on the parks and dont take them there but the other options suck we have tannenbaum and little boulder both have narrow entrances which make it difficult for beginners and both are steeper than freedom it was better when the beginners were secluded to that side of the mt now we have to have stations set up on the side of every beginner trail which sux cuz assholes decide to ride down the middle of a fenced off area and also our area is sloping to the side of the trail plz if you are riding on a trail and notice a lesson going down go around them its not going to kill you make everyones life easier slow down it scares little kids when some one goes flying past them when there trying to learn most of us snowboarders especially do our best to stay out of your way and out of the park we all hate that shit your not going to see the smart style at boulder because it will cost to much money to put in effect for a year or 2 since the whole mt is going to be a park hence the name BIG BOULDER PARK peak has mulitiple mts and im sure they have put a whole lot of thought into this plan and see the demand for Parks worst i ever saw was skipatrol standin right below the knuckle of the jump on merry widow last year freedom was the skischool hill hence the snowmonsters area to the left magic carpet discovery area that was one of park logics dumb ass ideas im a snowboard instructor i tell all my students not to ride on the parks and dont take them there but the other options suck we have tannenbaum and little boulder both have narrow entrances which make it difficult for beginners and both are steeper than freedom it was better when the beginners were secluded to that side of the mt now we have to have stations set up on the side of every beginner trail which sux cuz assholes decide to ride down the middle of a fenced off area and also our area is sloping to the side of the trail plz if you are riding on a trail and notice a lesson going down go around them its not going to kill you make everyones life easier slow down it scares little kids when some one goes flying past them when there trying to learn most of us snowboarders especially do our best to stay out of your way and out of the park we all hate that shit your not going to see the smart style at boulder because it will cost to much money to put in effect for a year or 2 since the whole mt is going to be a park hence the name BIG BOULDER PARK peak has mulitiple mts and im sure they have put a whole lot of thought into this plan and see the demand for Parks worst i ever saw was skipatrol standin right below the knuckle of the jump on merry widow
  6. they are pretty shitty i lost mine today i was suprised no one said anything 2 me cuz there usually lookin 4 them
  7. that really sux man
  8. i personally like the set up pretty much a few suggestions move the top 2 rails down a little bit more you can barley get speed for the street rail move the next box uphill a little so you can hit that then hit the jumps with stopping move the upslope rail to the last jump put a his and hers at the first hit and make the landings of both jumps steeper open upper stitzmark so they can put a fence and sign on top of merry widow where the last jump is put the upslope rail and off to the side put the Oakley Rail Jam staircase in widen up the bottom so there can be 3 jibs finally switch the propane tank around 2 how it was at first somewhere around the park you should put in a barrel like the one that was at frost except bigger like the propane tanks at Mt Snow
  9. it better be on widow or im gunna be pissed cuz i heard last year it was on tannenbaum then the finals were on big boulder and alot of ppl bitched out no offense to you rail riders but a competition for money should scare you most ppl can ride the jips on freedom smooth as hell but not 2 many ppl can throw down on Merry Widow
  10. yummers i would actually maybe believe your knowlege of snowmaking if your home mt wasnt Eaglerock cuz there not even open yet and havent opened there hole mt in years
  11. yea i dont think its a great idea but think about it frost is a freeride mt and boulder a park resort im sure there are alot of park riders willing to make the change and its not just about customers they would also be able to pick up other sponsors and big competitions there arent many but there are some souly park resorts
  12. the name changed from Big Boulder to Big Boulder Park take a guess whats gunna happen over the next few years
  13. at boulder on merry widow the snow is nice and soft snow by the new smi guns at the first jump and at the second by the whisper guns at the second jump it was shity and crappy snow since u r such an expert explain that
  14. yea its really crowded yesterday i noticed alot of ppl going down it by accident i think alot of them think upper stitzmark is open the otherday i was doin a 3 over the first jump on merry widow and was inches above some kids head
  15. i have seen them be more attentive to the jumps on merry widow they really need to control the beginners on merry widow though the other night i almost landed on some kid i mean i was inches above his head and it scared the shit outa me
  16. papa Professional -a person who earns a living in a sport or other occupation frequently engaged in by amateurs well i guess i am im a snowboard instructor its so much fun pissin u guys off
  17. if almost everyone recognized you for your talent and said you were the best you start to become hot headed and thats what prob happened to those guys ha ha ha i really think the only reason most ppl post on this is to piss everyone off and argue cuz ppl have no better lives when there not riden
  18. yea i do belive the park would have been insane but i personally would rather go to a sub par mt parl thats not jampacked instead of going to a big mountain wit a perfect park thats jammed i had my mind set on going to jfbb along time before i heard about parklogic guys goin there in my opinion you get better ridin shity stuff the perfectly built shit ive been riden 7 years my home mt for 6 years was Eagle Rock ask anyone if they know that place they will have no clue so the conditions were shit they rarley opened a terrain park but if i go to another mt i could keep up wit the locals who have all the good shit so im happy parklogic isnt there anymore id rather ride some sup par stuff cuz it gives you the ability to ride well built stuff like nothing
  19. i just think they should maintain the jumps lips of the jumps more im there every weekend
  20. yea they r fixin shit but there all on 1 of the parks not both at the same time i did talk to the park crew and he said there was nothin wrong wit the lip another guy was cool and said that he would say somtin yea they r better than other park crews but with the crowds that they have been getting and will be getting i dont think the way they r doing it is good enough
  21. it seems like the park crew just fixes what they and there friends want to hit. On saturday i was hitting the first jump on merry widow and it was decent when they were fixin it but in the evening they didnt even bother wit that park and the jumps were gettin all rutted out and shitty. also they attempted to make lips to float u but they made just made the top of the lip steeper and didnt change the trani and it was just kickin you wierd in the air and no body was throwin down like last weekend cuz of that also there will be like 10 parkcrew guys standin around rail bullshitin but when there actually fixin somtin theres one guy there and no ones blockin off the feature ive seen better work ethic from customers building a park at Eagle Rock good job though when u guys actually fix somthin i also noticed when there standin around and ur hittin a jump they might yell somtin and it throws u off and makes u mess ur self up some of the stuff i heard there goin to start doin will be good like fencing off the top of merry widow and big boulder in my opinion they should have one park crew guy around each jump or feature making sure its upkept and yell at ppl to move out of the landing and move to the side of the trail this would keep the park much safer for everyone i have encountered both so far the lips of the jumps getting rutted out and ppl in the landing i have been fortunate not to hit anyone yet but i have came close
  22. it seems like the park crew just fixes what they and there friends want to hit. On saturday i was hitting the first jump on merry widow and it was decent when they were fixin it but in the evening they didnt even bother wit that park and the jumps were gettin all rutted out and shitty. also they attempted to make lips to float u but they made just made the top of the lip steeper and didnt change the trani and it was just kickin you wierd in the air and no body was throwin down like last weekend cuz of that also there will be like 10 parkcrew guys standin around rail bullshitin but when there actually fixin somtin theres one guy there and no ones blockin off the feature ive seen better work ethic from customers building a park at Eagle Rock good job though when u guys actually fix somthin i also noticed when there standin around and ur hittin a jump they might yell somtin and it throws u off and makes u mess ur self up some of the stuff i heard there goin to start doin will be good like fencing off the top of merry widow and big boulder in my opinion they should have one park crew guy around each jump or feature making sure its upkept and yell at ppl to move out of the landing and move to the side of the trail this would keep the park much safer for everyone i have encountered both so far the lips of the jumps getting rutted out and ppl in the landing i have been fortunate not to hit anyone yet but i have came close
  23. peak sent there groomers to boulder towards the end of the season when all there other mts started to close thats when they started to get more park influnced
  24. peak did an awsome job on the park last year and they dont need parklogic i wish they never would have came now the park is way to crowed and gets killed in a couple minutes. Yea parklogic made nice jibs and all but last year peak built the staircase the rail on the car, the reason i go to other mountains is cuz shit is set up diff if u want to ride there shit go to mc or roundtop they have the same set ups. if park logic was still there there would be alot more rails then jumps look at mc dont waste ur money at eaglerock wit there supposed 1 mile long terrain park its more like 1/2-1//4 mile long there mile starts at the tubing hill and ends at the base lodge which is mostley flat all the jumps are motocross jumps the mountain manager/groomer doesnt know shit on building a jump hes a cool guy to talk to but complete moron i wont be surprised if they dont open this year cuz they have like 20 snow guns 1 groomer and havent opened there whole mt in like 3 years there 1000 ft halfpipe was open once and had one hit able wall and they dont know how to groom that either its a fun mt for beginners but other then that they suck if you find one fun feature in the terrain park it was built by a local and will most likely be shutdown by ski patrol
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