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Everything posted by boardera

  1. OK i dint get to make it up today and even though thats my fault...when i was looking at the webcam they look liek they still have a lot of snow and not only on the terrain park but the other trails to, this being said and even though we had a decent season im kind of starting to get a little mad that there was all this talk about pushing snow onto the terrain and staying open as long as the conditions allowed for them too, it looks liek the conditons are still rideable but i just wanted to hear from somebody who rode today if it does suck and they should be closing or if its still ok and they should of stayed open.
  2. Does this mean there still might be a compensation for season passes!! if not I still had a great season but pretty bummed that my last day of snowbording was wednesday and i dint even know it
  3. Excuse me while I go kill myself....damnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!im pissedd
  4. First grade teacher seems like the guy that wouldnt be trying to teach a lot to the first graders but do a little something else...i can tell by his child molestar picture and homo not even manly facial hair
  5. I know there was a photographer at the rail jam anybody know when the pics will be up
  6. I love bear creek!!!!!!
  7. its not really a waste of snow because they dont use that much for the jump and they already had the snow where the gap is but it is a waste of a jump because they could of made a smaller one that most people could hit....but for the few that hit the big one it is sickk
  8. the new hit is sickkk!!!!!1 ill give it 75 feet...i saw two people hit it and they just cleared it even if when they bombed the whole terrain/tubing
  9. my guess is one of the long flat red rails a flat box or something they make with two flat boxes
  10. boardera


    its not a matter of being dumb...its a matter of just rushing and forgeting your pass but good try burton17...and also most people would think how could you forget tour pass 3 times so then it would be your fault and bear wouldnt have to make up for it p.s. burton you make three sound like such a big number,,3 times is nothing with you go 5 times a week every week
  11. I try not to wrooy about it until they get in my way then ill say something,,,but still i wont freak out because i ahve younger siblings and i wouldnt want people saying shit to them
  12. boardera


    I agree with freerider...they make you pay so much moeny for a season pass then if you forget it they try to charge you more? I know people might try to scam it and thats y they only have one comlimentary pass, but there atleast should be three then you should have to pay
  13. I just got a woody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  14. does anybody have the results
  15. is there any way park crue you can give us an ideo of whats there because i really dont want to drive all the way up to see that its a bunch of real skinny rails that i cant do much on
  16. most mountains do a deal if its not open for 90 days, obviously bear creek shortened it and will try its hardest to stay open past 65 days then close
  17. and then i will start throwing rocks at you...just kidding everybody dont get mad the flyers are good....sike
  18. Im guessing that the rail jam is going to be on th mountain and not a parking lot setup?
  19. seems like evryone wants the seaosn pass railjam AS DO I!!!!
  20. I know there is a rail jam coming up next weekend i was just seeing if its worth going to, anybody whos gone before have any opinions?
  21. woops didnt even see that, Thanks!
  22. --> QUOTE(Matt B @ Mar 2 2007, 01:02 PM) 139187[/snapback] idk about me about it seams that there is always a problem at the comp. either the judges are getting people and scores messed up or that they pick like kids doing 5050 on everything for the finals and get an people who knows what they are talking about cause like the announcer was calling 270's like boardslides and and just switch out and why are they always on thursday night ... so why does it matter if the park is closed down for 2 hours on a saturday morning night comps arent good Yea i deffinetly agree, and they really messed up the 12-15 year old division. It was the biggest division and only three people advanced, and later we found out that those werent even the right people(which i agree because they were only doing 50-50s) but that ment that the peopel who should of made top 5 didnt and didnt get to do a final run. Most people will put down a confident sick run their frist run and then go all out for the finals but in the 12-15 division they didnt even give the right peopel a chance to have their final run, very bad comp im sorry, I think there should be another one in the day time like Matt B said to make up for this one, and also i dont really mind the announcer, me and my freinds love to hear what he has to say in the comps because he is completely rong on everything
  23. Is the spellbinder comp. a rail jam or liek a slopestyle kind of thing
  24. wow I just watched a video of the JFBB railjam the other day, it looked like so much fun, I really think Bear creek should have something liek this for the season pass holders, from the video it looked like it would have been one of the funnest days of the year
  25. can somebody posts the results when they get them
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