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    Atlantis-Shaman 154 Ride Bindings Northwave Boots and some other shit
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    Blue Mountain

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Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. last year the set up was pretty fun the thing that sucked tho was people said we were gonna have as many runs as we could get in and we ended up only getting 1....which was bs, last year there was a flat box I fs 270 to board and i was pretty pumped and then golden child from bear creek opposite way 270ed it and i think he won i'm not sure, it was kinda nuts
  2. I hate carnival rails....
  3. I just looked at the videos on the BB website and there park not only looks amazing it looks better than blue at any point during the season last year...i can't belive that
  4. MCRX

    woah doggy

    the fact that you have to go up the stairs is ridiculous....
  5. what is the park crews myspace.?
  6. My friend who moved out to SLC this year knows this guy that owns a resort in montana that bought JFBB and told him that he wants to turn it into the bear mtn of the east idk if thats where people are getting this info but thats what i got...ha Uh and idk bear creek is kinda overated like i mean idk they don't have any good booters or at least last year they didn't...
  7. MCRX


    I probly will go tom haha but idk boulders opening day was amazing
  8. MCRX


    Blues openign day was kinda disapointing, the come around park was pretty good tho i really like how the flat rail was set up but idk i got there late so i'm hoping a morning will be a little better
  9. Lets hit some street rails when we get snow worrrrd
  10. that s box thing looks absolutley shitty what a waste...
  11. That one booter than you bs 180'ed how big was that? It looks like mountain creek builds there jumps right like they shoot you up high with steep landings
  12. what kinda of model burton is it and how long is it?
  13. I think they should make steez passes the criterea would be 1. tripple X pants size 2. kids size board with foot place ment directly on the nose and tail. 3. oversized beanie 4.Favorite song- Nelly- Grillz those are the kinds of kids i'd like to ride with Actully in all honesty park passes the upper park is at the level where extremley inexperienced riders cause a saftey hazard...enough said
  14. 7's ! Also 3-ing a 55 foot booter at whistler blackcomb
  15. yo its pretty big haha 60+ for sure...
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