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Everything posted by MCRX

  1. so for my 17th birthday my mom agreed to take me out west to go snowboarding, i really wanna go to a mountain mountain, terrain over park....i'd like to hit up a nice park tho but i'd rather ride amazing terrain she's making me chip in for plane tickets but she said she will pay for hotel etc. should i go to Oregon and hit up Mt.Hood/Timberline? or should i go to Salt Lake to hit up places like Snowbird, Alta, The Canyons,Park City....I am going more along the lines of Salt Lake City because were going for 5 days and there are so many resorts close to the city/airport....But I am not really sure because Mt.Hood kinda sounds like a snowboard mountain. If you could help me out that would be great i'm sure either place will be good but i'd just like to get some feedbackkk later
  2. Nice Edit....shawnee park looks kinda beattt blues where its attt
  3. MCRX


    For me at least i tryed bs 3's first and i would just go up to the jump like pretty slow and just like go like toeside edge all the way and just wind up a little bit ....bs 3's are fairly easy to learn its just scary to do like bs 180s and stuff....if ur still working on 180's to do those frontside landing switch is remarkable easy....u can't really get hurt doing spins i'm serious haha i try and throw fives off the first booter on sidewinder and constantly fall and get up haha i guess u can get hurt
  4. Building up that hip would be nice like its decent now but u can't really hit it with any speed or u land it to flat like right now its kinda like a triangle/boob. I'd love to have the rainbow rail in like thats seriously such a fun feature and it hardly ever gets fucked up but don't bury it much I agree with u on the second booter after the first jump like the jump over the rollers was so fun last year but make it bigggggerrr The table top is a waste of space it so hard to set up to it and throw anything on it with how close those landings are and how crappy the lip of it is.... that should maybe be a rail/box section or at least find some way to put a better jump...a nice table top or anything but that thing.... I also agree with u on the rails thing put the down kink in this year with a nice size gap 5-10 ft????? Set up the rail battle ship like it was set up last year that was soo fun to gap Get some cool park crew gear u guys look like d bags with the effin orange things i'm think like sombreros or something???? possibly? Propsss Make everything as big as possible I love the booter after the c-box how long is that thing? its only like a 25 foot gap? right?
  5. I don't think that is a 53' gap????? its probly only like 25-30?????
  6. Yeah the booter is 100% clearable u just have to pump the up to flat rail hump and then just go straight for it
  7. Thanksssssss
  8. sweet so now we will have shitty conditions and extremley packed 2 person chair!!!!!!!!!! this season is awesome!!!!
  9. Nope just today they put in a brand new booter its after the cbox and before the wall its were that kinda nothing landing thing used to be cept the landing is the whole width of the trail a wierd spot but if its easily clearable it would be nice
  10. Can anyone clear that? I was thinking about trying it but didn't cuz i saw a couple people get wrecked on it? is it clearable on a snowboard i'm sure its clearable on courdouroy but idk about slushy crappy snow? input peeps later
  11. I think the only thing blue really needs to do its put in some metal...f*** the boxes....270 to board on the box are way to easy i want the old down kink....
  12. I just wanna let everyone know that i think the new park is sick, last night my friend sevened the first booter on sidewinder and he had plenty of time for a 9...and it just made me realize that the new park is such a step up for blue....propsssss
  13. can anyone tell me whats in the sidewinder park for a fact...i only want posts if you have ridden in the park! or built it...i'm going up tonight so i'll come back and post if nobody else can give a def....
  14. I"m sorry i didn't really know this was a "family" website...
  15. Yeah if like a bloody dick You should stick it in her butt
  16. ---- Story with sexually explicit content removed by Dthmtluncrn ----
  17. if somebody cuts me off i just go cuz its there fault if they get fucked up...i see the stupidest people at blue... like yesterday this dueche bag was yelling at this guy for hitting the wallride one side and landing on the other side of the wallride, some people have no concept of a what wallride is....
  18. ITC is amazing it helped my riding soo much but sadly i didn't get hired idkkk w/e
  19. where is the slope???? and can anybody go?
  20. Yeah i just got back from blue it was nice to get on the snow but idk if it would have been worth it to go if i didn't have a pass...my setup seems weird i think i got taller....idkkk butters are hella fun hahah
  21. MCRX

    Park Crew

    good thought,,, new boxes~!!!!!!
  22. MCRX

    Park Crew

    Well yeah i already have a season pass and all that so i would just love to help out with the park this year.
  23. MCRX

    Park Crew

    Who here is on park crew at blue?
  24. I really liked the booter over the rollers that thing was fun....i'm sure there could be a seven thrown there and thats my goal for next year so keeping that jump would be nice.....
  25. I think blues park is ok I mean its getting better...I think the reason people bitch about blue so much is cuz it just has so much potential...I can't tell you how many times i have tryed to make a suggestion to somebody to a blue employee and there just dicks... the park crew is trying tho....
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