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Everything posted by TheMootz

  1. well this weekend looks like its gonna be the weekend weve all been waiting for since the end of march last year who else can barley control their ADD
  2. we didnt have a place to put it this year we cant use the dirt mold pipe cuz it will ruin the dragon
  3. AR5's 03/04 Scratch 140 binding 04/05 1080 boot
  4. that and the kicker sucked
  5. frost webcam is on toby thats why u cant see anything cuz there not blowing on toby
  6. just scope a good urban handrail, there sturdy and u wont have to worry about making it urself
  7. dont forget that painted rails ruin ur jacket and pants
  8. its offical boulder and frost now have snow blown, if u go to the boulder web cam u can see for urself http://www.jfbb.com/winter-bb-webcam.asp were one step closer to opening the 11th and 18th
  9. go the the web cam at boulder, the cam looks over the tanambuam park, if u look at the bottom left hand corner, you can see where the started to blow snow last nite! http://www.jfbb.com/winter-bb-webcam.asp
  10. dude that box is cursed i freakin killed my self tring to 270 on that crap
  11. its def gonna be cold enough during the nights this week
  12. you can compete and place every prelim and win the prizes, however, you cant knock other people that would have made it out of the finals
  13. dont be disin on frost
  14. i was up on the mountain last weeked i have a house there i dont know what boulder is gettin i know frost is gonna have a pipe this year
  15. no trust me, i have seen the rails and they are beautiful
  16. i got updates from pat terry, Frost is opening the 11th boulder is opening the 18th, frost's boxes additions include a c box, a battle ship box, a flat down flat, 2 rainbow boxes and some others. plus we have three new flat rails, one doubble barrel, one 8 in flat and one 6 in flat hopefully the beginer park will draw the freaking dumbasses out of our way and cutting us off
  17. yeah but this year you can compete even after u made the finals that way u still get lots of free stuff
  18. damn right its me
  19. ADAM's Here Yay!!! dude theres no way frost is opening on thanks giving, jf is supposed to get a down kink back from bb this year, and we wont be losing rails this year cuz fords not here to run over them with the cat and burry it and pretend like it didnt hapen
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