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im rick james

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Everything posted by im rick james

  1. Answer: I didn't single him out. I do not discriminate. I will insult anyone who continues to bash camelback in the camelback forum. Please refer to the 2nd post in this thread. Let's compare European soccer salaries to American athletes... in any sport. I may be a narrow-minded American but correct me if I'm wrong... didn't Europeans biggest soccer star just sign a deal with an American team?? Start calling David Beckham narrow minded too and I know you have his poster on your wall.
  2. If you are referring to soccer being the second best sport than you are an idiot. Soccer's for gays.
  3. Great. Now I get to be told I have no common sense by the same person responsible for the above post. Common sense tells me that you use this forum as an outlet to incessantly bash camelback. Please answer these two questions because forgive me, my common sense has failed me again. 1. What is the point of bashing camelback in the camelback forum? 2. Do you sit by yourself at lunch?
  4. speaking of inevitabilities... blues snow quality will once again suck balls next year. and if you ski there.... which you may not since this is the cb forum... you might forget what trail you are on bc they are all the f--king same.
  5. Wrong forum dude. For Blue Mountain forum please click on Blue Mountain. ty.
  6. Blue sucks balls. End of discussion.
  7. We know you were lied to. Youve told us a million times. It is practically march and you are still whining about how you were lied to. This began in December; time to move on buddy this ship has sailed. And Method as for calling me immature.. its opposite day.. so thanks for calling me mature, i do my best to keep things within the realm of what is appropriate.
  8. All I was doing was sticking up for CB, something I like to do every now and then since I like the place. Sorry for not being personable.... but I dont wanna date you. CB is the best mountain in the poconos, thats the long and short of it. And if you don't feel that way, why are you here and not in your fav mountain's respective forum? Thats my other point.
  9. Aplogizing is not above me so I will say SORRY K2FUJATIVE, the retard comment was unnecessary. Thank you for condescending to me ski I appreciate it; the world needs more people like you. We need people like you to tell people like me when we're out of line. You are worthy of so much more than your insignificant status on this trivial message board and your peon status in society. Take my words as constructive criticism please..... it may look negative by I'm just trying to make your future better. There's a lot of that going on in this forum.... negativity being portrayed as constructive criticism... but you need to read between the lines right?? How many hyperboles did I use just now?
  10. ty papa for agreeing with me...... I have to write this down, was expecting yo uof all people to bash me. But still the point was missed. While I have ill-will toward Blue I do not go in the Blue forum and rip on it. whoever wrote smoke and j and relax ... great comeback. really. you idiot. the others were all pretty laughable as well. have a good day. Good point.... but everyday.. Cmon. Starting off your post with rhetorical questions is a good touch. Makes you look so much smarter.
  11. I love reading these daily reports for one reason: The only people that reply are the camelback haters. It happens every day. How insignificant the rest of their lives must be that they feel a need to come on the CB and post their gay little comments. Let me clarify: I think Blue Mtn sucks. All the trails are the same. Their snow quality flat out sucks balls every time I've been there. The majority of Blue's clientelle seems to be.. umm.. tools from Philly. So consequently i stay the f out of Blue's forum. I dont go there and bash it because everyone has a right to their own opinion so I assume everyone in that forum likes Blue and I respect that. But you losers crack me up haha. GrilledSteeze are you sexually frustrated? hahah dork. SkiCamelback........ keep the updates coming there are several of us who appreciate them and love camelback. No reply to this post is needed from the CB haters. Just move on........ keep broswing. Heres the definition of summit for the aforementioned retard, k2fujative sum
  12. Papa certainly you must notice by now that all of your suggestions/questions go unanswered. So i guess its safe to say you just enjoy being a miserable prick.
  13. I disagree. A flask filled w/ some nice bourbon or scotch will keep you warm, or at least numb you to the cold. You just have to drink it in smaller, less-frequent increments.
  14. What trails wont be open this weekend? (2/2 - 2/4)
  15. Camelback has the best trail in the poconos: Big Pocono Run. Wish they'd make snow and open the fugger.
  16. who the fuck goes skiing and complains that they dont get front row parking???????????????????? A walk to the base area should be expected, its part of skiing at crowded mountains. The employees at camelback make next to nothing, give them a break. lazy mfrs
  17. im rick james


    papa u need to be kicked in the balls. you never answered my question from the cb message board. "How on earth do you have the time to post on this board with the frequency that you do?" I see turkeys (fat chicks) at camelback every now and then. They are usually horrible skiers and dress poorly.
  18. im rick james


    no that is just creepy
  19. im rick james


    LOL We've established that papa doesnt like camelback. He knows that we all like camelback. He comes here to antagonize because his life is so damn meaningless that he just needs the attention. Tom, you hit the nail on the head several times, but these are all things papa has heard before. Whatever papa, call me a shitty consumer for liking camelback. I do not care what the hell you say because you ARE AN IDIOT. stay away from camelback and keep you r kids away too. and jesus please keep your parents away as well. Whats the backup plan when junior realizes he doesnt have the stuff to go pro? jfbb liftie.
  20. Stowe rules....... I wish I was up there. Instead I just got back from 3 days at killington which was total buns. Killington is overrated. Anybody with me on this.
  21. who seriously gives two shits where the owner of camelback is. it is scary to think that two weeks prior you knew his whereabouts???? papa i am back to torment you. whats up all im from the cb message board.
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