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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. You meet with SkiCB and Art Berry? How was that?
  2. Had a great time over the weekend!! If the weather is good for Friday -- I'll blow work off for a few runs. Today, I'm desk surfing... Hey pappa -- Nice schedule. Got to get your dig in on everything?? Or just stating your facts?
  3. Skied the pipe this morning -- it was real sweeeeeet!! They dyed it too, which helped in the flat light. Was told by Craig that they would post a few pictures. What's going to be the grooming schedule? Will the Quarter Pipe be up all season?
  4. Thanks Papasteeze -- You just helped me win $10 Bucks!! I bet my buddies that you would be the first to post on my thread. Now I got some lunch money for tommorow.
  5. http://skicamelback.com/halfpipe.php Pipe opens tomorrow!! I can't wait. I'm entitled to it....
  6. I know that CB passes can be used at jay peak for a discount. Has anyone done this? Was it a hassle? Is jay worth drive? Yeah - I'm thinking of going..
  7. Just drove by the slopes. It looks like every snow gun is turned on! There is a huge cloud of snow in the base area and on the slopes. It's looking real good.
  8. Hummers suck. I'm with Grillsteez -- subaru's!
  9. M.BrightSide


    Do you work in Development or Sales? Mabey you should call CB and offer services?
  10. Has anyone ever been to Echo Mountain in Colorado? http://www.echomtnpark.com/ I'm thinking of going this spring. Any reviews?
  11. Thanks for the background. I guess I never got that from following the two MB's for past few months? It looks like the CB board stopped deleting critical comments (allowing posts to stay) -- I read the same posts there on CB MB and would appear to be the same members (as on PASAR)?
  12. No I don't? Why??
  13. Being a statistics junkie and skier: PA Ski Areas ranked by interest (qualified by #'s of Topics and Replys posted) on this MB: 1. Blue Mt / 507 Topics = 31.2% of Total / 10,991 Replys = 34.3% of Total 2. Camelback /459 Topics = 28.3 % of Total / 8,563 Replys = 26.7 % of Total 3. Bear Creek / 293 Topics = 18.1% of Total / 5,362 Replys = 16.7 % of Total 4. JFBB / 224 Topics = 13.8 % of Total / 3,801 Replys = 11.9 % of Total 5. Sno Mt. / 140 Topics = 8.6 % of Total / 3,327 Replys = 10.4 % of Total Total Topics = 1,623 / Total Replys = 32,004 The bulk of the posts on CB threads are critical and basic bitching about the mountain. From reading many of the posts, it would appear that many don't ski at CB, and most only buy day tickets, with a few that actually own passes. Other than pass holders, why does anyone spend this much time complaining about a product they don't/won't buy? The above anlysis is completely unaudited and of little scientific value, but does tell where the majority of where the board is going (with interest). In the end, mabey all the exposure from negativity is good for CB?
  14. Link goes to a 3/2005 article in Rocky Mt. News. May be dated, but still informative. http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/loca...3634381,00.html I'm sure how to make the link live, so just cut and paste if interested....
  15. How does a ski area make money? Selling lift tickets? Selling fried crap from the Kitchen? Selling passes and not opening to piss off pass holders? I'd say all ski areas are going to take a huge freaking hit this winter. Say good bye to 2008 improvements - no $$$. There are a lot of great ski areas that don't care too much about the botom line-- there's 100's of them. In fact, their a real bargin for lift tickets -- FREE. Only catch is there is no snow becasue they havenot made any yet. Why??? Because they went bankrupt. How many ski areas were there in the Poconos and in the North East 30 years ago? How many 15 years ago? How many now? This weather sucks. The conditions are less than great. I am glad I don't own a ski area.
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