Being a statistics junkie and skier:
PA Ski Areas ranked by interest (qualified by #'s of Topics and Replys posted) on this MB:
1. Blue Mt / 507 Topics = 31.2% of Total / 10,991 Replys = 34.3% of Total
2. Camelback /459 Topics = 28.3 % of Total / 8,563 Replys = 26.7 % of Total
3. Bear Creek / 293 Topics = 18.1% of Total / 5,362 Replys = 16.7 % of Total
4. JFBB / 224 Topics = 13.8 % of Total / 3,801 Replys = 11.9 % of Total
5. Sno Mt. / 140 Topics = 8.6 % of Total / 3,327 Replys = 10.4 % of Total
Total Topics = 1,623 / Total Replys = 32,004
The bulk of the posts on CB threads are critical and basic bitching about the mountain. From reading many of the posts, it would appear that many don't ski at CB, and most only buy day tickets, with a few that actually own passes. Other than pass holders, why does anyone spend this much time complaining about a product they don't/won't buy?
The above anlysis is completely unaudited and of little scientific value, but does tell where the majority of where the board is going (with interest). In the end, mabey all the exposure from negativity is good for CB?