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About thisthatandsnow

  • Birthday 10/29/1990

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  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek!

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    snowboarding, filmin/editin, hanging out with friends and just having a good time.

thisthatandsnow's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. whoaaa, alright. thanks.
  2. wait, so i'm confused, is the rail jam a competition or just a chance for riders to mess around and hit the rails?
  3. does anyone know when the shoppe revival challenge is rescheduled for?
  4. yessssssss! i'm so psyched! and i don't think so but i'll check.
  5. thats perfect, this compeition is just a way for some girls to ride and have a fun time, it doesn't matter you do. so are you in?! i'm so psycheddd!
  6. sarasnow, we need a girl that can do quarterpipe. can you do that?
  7. ahhah, thanks guys for all your offers but i'm still set on finding a girl for the team. from what i know i think the shoppe revival is rescheduled for february so if you can make it, please let me knowww!
  8. ahaha thanks guys and if i can't find that 5th girl i'll be sure to ask one of you. =]
  9. since the competition was rescheduled we're still looking for our fifth girl! so come on girrrllsss. it should be sickkkk!
  10. ohh daamnn, i like the idea of a summer terrain park using snowflex. i'd be there every single day.
  11. ahaha yep. that's me. =] i think i mighht know who you are oops, sorry, my computers messed up. but that was deftinitily a hella good time. and bb is greeeaaaat!
  12. ahaha yep. that's me. =] ahaha yep. that's me. =]
  13. i was at the illume, which one was you shadows? i was the girl named jaime? ahah
  14. ahaha if you can do it that's all that matters. i don't know about everyone else but i'm just looking to have fun with some kick ass girl shreddaaaas! you in?
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