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Everything posted by thisthatandsnow

  1. whoaaa, alright. thanks.
  2. wait, so i'm confused, is the rail jam a competition or just a chance for riders to mess around and hit the rails?
  3. does anyone know when the shoppe revival challenge is rescheduled for?
  4. yessssssss! i'm so psyched! and i don't think so but i'll check.
  5. thats perfect, this compeition is just a way for some girls to ride and have a fun time, it doesn't matter you do. so are you in?! i'm so psycheddd!
  6. sarasnow, we need a girl that can do quarterpipe. can you do that?
  7. ahhah, thanks guys for all your offers but i'm still set on finding a girl for the team. from what i know i think the shoppe revival is rescheduled for february so if you can make it, please let me knowww!
  8. ahaha thanks guys and if i can't find that 5th girl i'll be sure to ask one of you. =]
  9. since the competition was rescheduled we're still looking for our fifth girl! so come on girrrllsss. it should be sickkkk!
  10. ohh daamnn, i like the idea of a summer terrain park using snowflex. i'd be there every single day.
  11. ahaha yep. that's me. =] i think i mighht know who you are oops, sorry, my computers messed up. but that was deftinitily a hella good time. and bb is greeeaaaat!
  12. ahaha yep. that's me. =] ahaha yep. that's me. =]
  13. i was at the illume, which one was you shadows? i was the girl named jaime? ahah
  14. ahaha if you can do it that's all that matters. i don't know about everyone else but i'm just looking to have fun with some kick ass girl shreddaaaas! you in?
  15. i don't know yet cause it depends on if we find this fifth shredder. and if we're real desperate we might try to get a guy if we can't find a girl, so if you know any guys willing to do this sign him up! =] but if we can't find a fifth person, i don't think i'll be doing the challenge. =[ whos megan? does she wanna do this? aha
  16. aha alright buddy, once you turn into a girl i'll make sure you're on the team.
  17. So me and a couple friends are trying put together an all girls team for the Shoppe Revival Team Challenge at Boulder this weekend. So far we have 4 girls and need one more. three of the girls snowboard and one free skis. one girl is the captain, the other snowboarder is slopestyle, i'm slopestyle and the free skier is quarter pipe so we need a girl that can ride quarter pipe. if you're interested message me or just reply! thanks! it's gonna be siccck and we're gonna show the guys what us girls can throw down.
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