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Everything posted by bmatyeah
thanks for all the great suggustions, this is one of the forums where you get more legitimate replys the bs ones. It would be a week day trip.
I'm located near bear creek. I enjoy park and all but that's all i really have experienced. I just want to ride. My buddy and i are looking to take a road trip about 4 hours from our area the second week of jan. Mostly just a day trip. Wake up at on the road by 5am. get there by 9. Id like to ride something that is affordable, yet has long trails. Its a day trip id travel further north if i wanted my trip to be longer. any ideas greek peak? anything else? mostly ny mtns?
Due to geographic circumstances its just really hard to do at bear. i like the idea of a border cross trail thing last year i had a lot of fun with my friends on the one that was set up on black bear. I want to learn pipe real bad it looks like fun but in pa i don't expect to.
as of 11:30 am on friday you have great coverage through every trail, alot of piles of snow. It was enjoyable morning at bear. The only trail not open is extreme, well cascade is closed but its a park trail.
I just got back from bear, i was there from 8:30am till about 11:50, it seemed like this was the best coverage all season. So much new snow, no bare spots. They blew until about 830 then turned the guns off, it left some fresh snow on top of the groomed trails in spots. There were lots of humps of snow, i dont know if this is the terrain or its excessive snow piles they just left. They were working on cascade the whole time i was there, park crew was maintaing the stuff in the park. I only did a few runs on the black bear park, i was mostly on the other side. They have two boxes set up in the family park, one is the same level as the snow the other is a ride on with an okay drop (I was trying to learn boardslides on this but i always get hung up in the blackbear park and here.) then a huge freshly blown pile of snow, i guess it would be a jump. The rest of the trails were great, had a mix of groomed stuff and fresh blown stuff. The snow was pretty slow i could not make it all the way to timberline from the top. I know i dident use all technical terms but their was my best shot at a report for you. Yeah the box at the bottom is blocked off its for the rail jam thing
What was the music? It looked good. It almost made me think camelback was worth it.
they are off an older video ipod. i just cant get them to stay in my ear ps. clean 1.8t you autox? are you on tristatetuners? pm me replies so we don't clutter this
any body have any good in ear headphone suggestions? I ride park and free ride and need something that will stay in my ear and has good sounds. hats with speakers are stupid been there tried that. everywhere ive heard skullcandys break real quick
why not bear creek? its only like a half an hour more? on 63
i like the step down, its a way to get more tech tricks in. marble ledge wish it was a tad bit longer, its a quick hit. They have not had any snow to be able to move these features yet. Other places might have sicker setups right now but until tonight its like a week of no snow and warm temps.
Great call. it was looking pretty sad today, but finally the weather is cooperating!
lucky people, you have some natural snow too now! I don't think ill get there today but the rest of the season. black pants and red black plaid/lumberjack jacket. I'm usually a morning rider. The feature on cam look good.
damn i was only able to go in the morning! well at least its more time for them to get set up, i guess they are right on time with every other mtn in this area now. ill be there every possible friday morning until the after school rush. Im pumped.
The stair cases were up up all the time. It looks like they were getting the double c box thing ready to go up when i last looked at the cam.
+1 for wrist guards. Learning how to fall correctly will help this whole venture. I learned how to fall from skateboarding. yeah board's are all over craigslist too. and whiskymilitia sometimes. boots i just went with shitty lamars but they turned out pretty nice and great beginner boots..
i got a sasquach card as a gift. i don't make it up there enough to make a pass practical, stupid work and school.
I need new snowboarding gloves. The ones i have i can barley unlatch my bindings because they are so big. yet warm and dry. Any gloves that are thin but still dry and warm? anyone recommend anything? alot of people have been ripping grenade gloves for being shitty.
This is my first year at bear. Its only 45 min away, a straight shot on sumneytown and alot of my friend have season passes this year, and after the first time i was hooked on how nice the features were.. Word of mouth about how awesome everything was last year really got me intrested and shit, i have at least like a day or two a week there since it re opened (sasquach card saved my ass). People will always come when the shits fine, and bc is fine. Most of the people dont get it here, Look at the history of skateboarding, there was a sudden boom in kids who went to skateparks thats practially the same as kids coming to mtn's for parks.
I hve never met anyone from here. I probally have ridden with alot tho. If anyone is going to be up there tomorrow march 14th, its probally the last time im able to get out so yeah if you see me i have no one to ride with. I ride an m3 and brown boots black pants, youll probally see the terrain park features kicking my ass as i attempt to learn one last time.
it would be sweet to work on park crew, id totally love to learn how to take care of all the stuff. plus i would actually have a reason to go up alone and it would totally teach me to ride better. On monday the park was not bad the few hits i actually did were not bad at all pretty smooth, as far as the farthest trail on the other side of the mountian. that shit was fucking terrible
ha jersey wearing, looks cool if your throwing down. it is supposed to bring that ghetto vibe, yet snowboarding is fucking expensive nothing ghetto about that, unlike other sport like skateboarding who have urban influence. some of the lifties were pretty lame, "oh dude you doing backflips and shit" nah.. "thats so lame start fuckin doing them" (at the bottom of the 3 person lift on monday) Some are really cool. I liked the snowfort they were building by the other quad. The people at the customer service desk are kick ass, nicest ladys ever.
it would cost alot to ship one that is sturdy enough to ride. build one. theres tons of sites with info.
i showed up and nothing was really happening..i was there like 515 ish.. so i just left.. the traffic sucked on 309..... but yeah thats this area for you!
General question: I am allowed to shoot photo's even if i have nothing to do with any relation to buckmans and ect right? None of the pics would be for sale or even use, unless the people who i shot contacted me or something. I work right up the street at Party City (woo come get balloons!), i get off at 4 and i like to photograph some but never photographed snowboarding. Im not a pro i only have a d50 with stock kit and i just want to try shooting snowboarding.
i wish i had a car that could handle that 5mph turn thats like 170 degrees on a slant in the snow.