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    Bear Creek

andTO86's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Soo lame. I love the overly dramatic dropping of the ski pole... Oh no.. Now even if I make it out alive I'm still going to have to walk back up for my pole!!
  2. Almost everything a business needs costs more and more all the time. I can't imagine what they spend on electric to light 100 acres of ground for 6 hours a night every night, let alone what the snowguns / pumps take. January 1st 2010, the rate caps are coming off, and it's been predicted that it could jump as much as 30%. In conneticut, prices jumped 250% in a little over a year. Costs go up, so do prices. Not to mention that you're also paying for all the a-holes who poach the park and brag about it openly on PA ski and ride under the section called 2009-2010 season pass discount....
  3. If you haven't noticed, it's listed on the calendar as the 15th. Seems a bit early to me... Thoughts?
  4. Sure it wasn't flying dutchmen (or the flying douchebags, as some might call them)?
  5. Yeah they put the slow flakes out... Seriously, I used to work in a tune shop. Base structure (the tiny grooves on the bottom) has as much to do with how fast you go as does wax formula. And way more than the snow itself. Wet snow needs deep base structure (so you don't suction down like a wet glass on a smooth table), dry snow works better with smoother structure. Cold snow - harder wax so the sharp crystals don't stick into it, warm - softer so that the wax actually lubricates. A lot of people hot wax and don't even brush the wax out of the structure, and leave a glass-smooth finish on the bottom with no structure at all. Multiply about 10 different base structure patterns (and 100's of slight variations) by the 100's of different wax formulations (and possibly a base + mid + top coat setup), and you'll understand why high performance ski tuning still isn't an exact science. In my opinion, a good tuner can make your setup universal enough to work well in about 75% of the conditions you see. Getting any better than that requires either luck, or a whole lot of time and tweaking (and $$). Blaming the snow is like wearing a speedo in january, and blaming the weather for your shrinkage . If you're going slow, it's probably your gear, not the snow.
  6. Hmm. Ripping off your home mountain.. You're a dick.
  7. Uh. maybe with 3 times the snowmaking equipment, douche.
  8. You might want to try a different time... Keep in mind the angle of the sun relative to the cameras when you pick a time. Someone who's good with web programming couuld write a script to grab the frames automatically as long as your comp is turned on. Neat idea, though!
  9. You mean Blue would have more budget to work with. Ohh.. now I understand!
  10. Positive. All that they did so far was clear the slope and pull the topsoil and big rocks. They just started to dig out the bank and move the fill up to the top maybe last week or so. If you look at the sides of the pond that they're expanding, the ground hasn't moved where the waterline used to be. I'll post a pic if I get a chance.
  11. Actually the pond hasn't really changed size yet. It just looks bigger because there's nothing around it. From what I hear it's going to be approximately twice the size, but who knows until it's finished.
  12. Check the threads though... there was something about wet bulbs and humidity a while back that made sense at the time.
  13. Rumor has it this was planned out back in january....BEFORE they were even open for the season. Just what I hear....
  14. Probably not. I hear the food is done by a different company who just rents the space, so the discount would be up to them.
  15. andTO86


    Yeah, how about it. I forgot my money, do I get a free credit card?
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