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Everything posted by mawcluster

  1. Opening Day Dec 9. Night Skiing starts the following Thursday. General Manager is projecting 12 trails open, including the halfpipe by the 9th.
  2. I work in the Rental Shop. Meeting day is Dec. 3. I'm hearing talk of opening on the the 7th...I'll fill everyone in with any updated info.
  3. HAHA...Glenn that was crazy.
  4. Latest website thing... "Tonight is the last night for night skiing, Camelback?s tentative plan is to close on March 26 at 5pm, schedule subject to change due to weather conditions. Camelback will not be open on Easter Sunday. The snowtubing park is closed today. Snowtubing will reopen on Friday, March 25 at 2pm and Saturday, March 26 at 9am depending on weather conditions. " The rain really did some damage, I guess.
  5. Yes the bra tree is still there at Camelback. Honestly I think it is more full of miscellaneous lingerie than ever. Good coverage! In any case, preparing to add to panty tree while riding a ski lift sounds pretty dangerous...hope you have the bar down while getting ready.
  6. I work at camelback part time...and the latest I heard was March 20th for closing. If we get a decent storm, people will think of coming to the mountain, and they will extend it to March 27th. I guess it's partly the costs of running the place and partly the fact that they have a lot of garbage to do before Camelbeach opens. Snow is actually a pain in that respect...its crazy to see the mountains of snow they push aside to get some of the beach stuff ready. It sure does seem evil to close the mountain with so much snow left, though.
  7. Yeah...the old buildings that are visible above the tubing area are from an old Jewish Camp. All of the land that Camelback sits on is actually State land, they just lease it out. The state let them develop on the land. The surrounding area is a state park. Here is link to Big Pocono State Park's map. State Park Map There is a north and south trail, but I don't think they were ever used as part of a ski resort. Like said before, they are pretty narrow. Backcountry style would be cool, but I think they were meant mostly for hiking, perhaps some cross-country skiing.
  8. Yeah I'm sure camelback used to rent them...i've tried pretty much everything including ski blades so I know the difference. I agree about giving them to people who aren't exactly great at riding or skiing...gives them something with a difficulty between ski blades and snowtubing to try.
  9. wow...i forgot about them. Camelback used to rent them about 5 years back and I tried them. For 10 bucks I should get a pair. They're a good gift if nothing else.
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