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Half Fast Skier

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Everything posted by Half Fast Skier

  1. Is the Blue Mtn $27 weekday morning college lift ticket the best vert for your buck in the Poconos? I'm looking at going skiing some place in the greater Pocono area this Friday, and that seems like the cheapest morning session ticket around. Anybody know of any similar discounts for Mtns in the Poconos or souther NY?
  2. Hey did anyone see the accident in the terrain park around 9:30 AM? A skier went off a jump and landed on some snowboards in the blind spot? By the way, that skier was me. I'd like if someone could explain to me what happened as I hardly remember anything from that day. I was apparently taken down on a toboggan, then medi-vac'd to LV hospital with a server concussion and a fractured left humorous. I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER THE HELI RIDE. So I some one could fill me in, that would be great. And yes, I was wearing a helmet, and you should too. It probably saved my life. ~PS Vicodin is some pretty intense stuff.
  3. Tickets are $9.33, from the radio station 93.3 WMMR, (too bad they don't sell season passes for $93.3 that would be sweet). Get them at http://www.jfbb.com/wmmr/ get them soon, they typically sell out.
  4. Just checked on the main site and it said there are two new trails for the 08-09 season (but nothing about new trails for 07-08 ) and that the snowboard school will be moved over to the triple chair and the old snowboard school hill will connect to Paradise and the Quad http://www.skibluemt.com/WhatsNew/ Anybody know anything else we'll likely see this season??
  5. Whoooo hoooo. I'm glad to see they changed there mind!
  6. I'm not too sure about opening this friday. I just got an email from my boss at blue saying don't expect us to be open, we'll mail you your paycheck. And that we'll likely be open by the 20th . I guess there just isn't enough cold weather to get enough coverage!?
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