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Everything posted by JFskiDan

  1. i see that they are not showing that. I'm putting my money on they will be offering it.
  2. One thing i found out is there are alot of discounts on lodging with the Ikon pass. Many hotels at JH participated, the 49'er was 15% off, so keep that in the back of your mind as well. thats a value that should be looked at too with the pass. I think that saved me at least $200 at JH.
  3. Jeff says the buddy passes will carry over. But, many times a season pass renewal renders your pass ineffective, so i would be like a little hesitant that they would disappear as well. I know you wont be at Blue between now and the renewal date, but i went to guest services and turned my 2 buddy passes into RFID cards that i just then gave to the recipients.
  4. Go get something like this. easier than wrapping it, and it will stay tight. It will give you super powers and be irresistible to the girls at karaoke.
  5. wrap, or like compression sleeve? when i had my knee issues, the compression sleeve thing was a game changer.
  6. Better than expected. sun was out in force for second half of the session. Jlaw, Atomic, Ben, Mix, Boo Bear, Becky Boo, and oh yeah, dont forget Ryan or he gets bent. Sunny and pleasant in the lot.
  7. if my memory serves me correct, its only Alterra resorts you can ski at in the spring after purchasing the pass. Stratton, Sugarbush, etc.
  8. Thats not gonna make for the greatest weekend then.
  9. with 2 buddy passes. thats a steal. I hope they will do the $50 with the payment plan. i think they did it last year. i spend money like crazy this time of year so the payment plan hurts a mush less. Downside is with the dumpster fire that was Camelback this year, Blue is gonna be busier. I cant for the life of me figure why people continue to go there.
  10. My driveway is lookin pretty shiny too right about now, but its flat so very manageable. My deck was fairly treacherous as well, but i worked on that a little on Sunday when it was raining to knock that down to just mildly treacherous. im not a fan of salt or calcium either. that shit just inevitably gets tracked all over inside the house. People in the development posting on FB looking for people to come spread salt on their driveways like crazy.
  11. Power is back on, i think it went back on around midnight. so, i figured out why when the wind blew, there was always this weird banging noise, which whenever i heard it, i thought to myself what ever it is, it will self correct. Turns out it was either the window shutter or downspout that got ripped off my house that was loose and making noise with the wind. No more noise, i mean obviously since neither of them are attached to the house anymore. Crazy windy though.
  12. Im back in Delco, but thanks anyways.
  13. Great. Power is out. I hear a few generators running. Time to go add to that i guess.
  14. The snow that has fallen on top of everything around my house which is covered in ice, now brings "slippery" to a new level.
  15. its seems to bother some in Utah over Alta. Dom and i talked to a bunch of guys at Snowbird and they gave us some "Alta Snowboard Team" stickers.
  16. JFskiDan

    Sale rumors...

    So, i could see Mr. Moore keeping things status quo, but i would think any new owner buying a run down ski joint (and yes, i'm gonna say it, but there is nothing new about Elk, and anyone purchasing it should see it needs many lift upgrades) would welcome any type of additional skier visits. I would bet that Indy has really helped out Magic, which i mean, look at that place. Wanna talk about a shoe string budget? But they totally embrace the Indy pass. Buying a pre existing ski joint these days seems to me like a huge gamble, unless you have some type of huge corporation behind you with deep pockets. If i was buying Elk i would do what i could to get Blue Mountain crowds there every day.
  17. JFskiDan

    2/13 slush

    Were you able to talk to any long time season passholders about who owns the place now?
  18. Nice. you should take @Benm. High speed lifts.
  19. Nice. i think i will save mine for this. Second dumb question, i want to give my buddy passes to two specific people to use at their leisure. do i transfer them via email, or do i go to guest services and turn them into an RFID card?
  20. how do you do that? can you enter it on the website when you go to renew?
  21. Dont forget - for those of you with a Blue pass, its probably a good idea to use up that $50 credit, and buddy passes before renewing.
  22. JFskiDan

    Sale rumors...

    i didnt consider this. its a likely scenario for sure.
  23. i was there last year for that, and yeah, i got to talk to a bunch of people that worked at Buckmans that got to try out some new skis. lol.
  24. Next time you and i are on the lift with 4 other randoms, we can start one. I have something in mind.
  25. JFskiDan

    Sale rumors...

    i just cant believe with internet sleuths like @Benm that there isnt record of a property transfer, however, i did a little work and couldnt find anything. Keeping the buyers a secret i feel is a major undertaking. You know enough of the right people know, and all it takes is one little slip. Maybe KSL should get with the buyers since they are trying to unload Blue.
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