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Everything posted by JFskiDan

  1. I read elsewhere that Vails business model is to up daily prices to get people to buy the Epic pass. Should be interesting to see if thats the case.
  2. Back on topic, since camelback still sucks and Saltyant will lick anybodys balls that likes camelback. nothing new here. Will there be a very Vail presence at JFBB? Will they put the 15 million into upgrades they were quoted on? Takes alot of dirt to make them taller. Will day pass prices go up at the new Vail resorts? Will they remember to negotiate with PPL about their electric rates? Will Blue raise day pass prices if they do? I mean, when in Rome......
  3. Valid points, i would ski JF before camelback pretty much any day. But, lately the fun stuff hasnt been well maintained, or gotten as much attention in the snowmaking department, even though all that is blow over. I think it was my last year there that i was clearing shit out of the E glade to make it skiable. But, like you eluded to, if theres minimal coverage in the woods, its kind of...meh. If they get a huge dump, you probably have the place to yourself on a weekday, but getting around can be hard. Trees can be rewarding though.
  4. I'm all for less crowds at Blue, but i dont think JFBB will see an overwhelming increase at all. I sort of think we already covered this. The average every weekend skier with an occasional trip out west will not leave Blue/CB to go ski Frost every weekend so they can go ski 2 days at Breck on the Epic pass. The average Joe that might buy 3-5 day passes at Blue/Toe/JFBB etc that wants to ski some resorts north or west, and is content with skiing the resorts on the pass, this is really who i see buying this. Not everyone lets their skiing experience be dictated by whats on this pass or that pass. I could probably make use of the epic pass, i am particularly interested in CB this year, and there are some others that i might go to, but they arent tops on my list. It would take a power outage at Blue or some other act of God to skip Blue for JFBB.....maybe night skiing at Boulder with just the right conditions, like new snow, and free cookies or something. Keep in mind, i was a passholder at JFBB when i the late season pass sale thing.....i never went back that year. Blue has its issues too, dont get me wrong, but there is a point when you have to admit JFBB bores your face off.
  5. Hot cocoas for both of them then!
  6. I forget where i read it now, but Vail was quoted saying they were going to spend 15 million locally. (JFBB). I would have said 50 billion, to make it sound even better.
  7. So through a little www research, it seems like to make your peak pass epic, you have to pay to play. (Imagine that). So to go epic, it looks like its the difference between what you paid for your peak pass, and $939(cost to be epic). So, the less you paid for your peak pass, the more you pay to make yourself epic. I think the people down at liberty etc are just going to lose their shit next year when just the local pass for them is even more than the peak pass was. They got shafted by peak, and it looks like they will bend over even further for vail. Thats a funny area down there. I think most of them just want to ski their little local hill and be left alone. The question is, how much influence will vail have at the 5 PA resorts for day to day operations? Or will vail just kind of take a “just dont burn the place down, ok?” stance and let them sort of run the way they have been? (Mostly applies to JFBB, since the other three were new to peak last year) the interesting stat that we will never know is, how many PA peak passholders upgrade to epic.
  8. Accurate. People thinking JFBB get “vailed up”, are probably going to be disappointed. Maybe some new scanners to read all the epic passes from people visiting from out west. I will give peak some credit for 2 relatively smart things they did. 1) turn big boulder into one big terrain park, and open at 3 pm on weekedays. When Blue Ridge had it, the place was a ghost town during the day. 2) buy liberty, roundtop, and whitetail last year. It most likely put them in a better position in all of this.
  9. I think its is unlikely there will be any kind of change in any type of skier from Blue because of this. I think this would attract the occasional PA skier that possibly would take advantage of the other mountains associated with this pass. Basically what Toast has posted is the more likely scenerio. A frequent Blue mountain skier, isnt going to settle for skiing at JFBB (trust me, its where i spent many years) just to ski the other mountains out west on the pass. Frequent trips to JFBB for an advanced skier will put them on pills. JFBB only interests the "advanced" skier if they go back about 8 years, when they really paid attention to the stuff off trail. Thats what makes JF a little attractive to the "advanced" skier. I went there one day like 2 years ago - no trees, no elevator, and the runs seemed shorter than ever. i was pretty bored after about an hour. I heard the new pass will come with 1,000 frontier miles as well. The only catch is you have to connect through Florida, and Texas, and then take a bus from SLC to get to Vail. QFT, but you need to remember who you are quoting.
  10. You know thats unlikely, and i dont know why you would post that, other than you just feel like posting. This is pretty interesting news. I guess when Blue wont sell, you go buy the completion. Will they grab some of Blues clientele with an Epic pass? I'm not sure if this would change a thing for us, since i would say 90% of passholders have already bought their pass. What would they offer to lure some of Blues day pass people to JFBB? They cant make either mountain bigger, so they would need to cut prices. Peak did a fantastic job of pissing everybody from Roundtop, liberty and the other one down there, forcing them into the Peak Pass, and no longer having a local Pass. It will be fun to watch this unfold. I wonder where JFBB will really be in a few years. I just cant see these being viable resorts to hold on to. i wonder if they will get parted out in time. Im gonna go back to work now, as i am pretty sure this will have no benefit (like less crowds) at Blue. And i agree with Justo. Blue's "investor" (if there will be one) will be someone that has no prior experience in the ski business. And to be honest, that could be a good thing, or a bad thing.
  11. BSI (ball sweat index) will be a 10 today. With a shout out to Primanti.
  12. If you thought CB was a little trashy, beltsville wont score high marks. Which is a shame, it could be a pretty cool place.
  13. This. i would rather go hang out with the trashy people from PA at Montage, than the trashy people from NJ/NY at Camelback. But i would also rather just run under the hose than drag myself to a waterpark.
  14. https://no9minemuseum.wixsite.com/museum I really want to check this out, so if by chance you go, let me know what its like. Notice they recommend you bring a light jacket since the mine is about 50 degrees year round.
  15. Were are you going? hopefully somewhere a little cooler? Does your camper/apartment thing have A/C?
  16. The news is doing a good job of getting people all riled up about the heat. I did here maybe Sat will be the hottest its been in like 7 years. thats pretty hot. Seriously? you weighed before and after? thats a shitload to loose over the course of a run if you ask me. You are right about the humidity. My hair is so fucked its not funny. One day i want to experience "dry" heat, to see if like 115 degrees and really low humidity is better than what we have now. I'm pretty much staying inside this weekend after about 10 am.
  17. According to peco's outage map, the people across the street from me still dont have pow wow. Just saw on the FB a couple roads are still closed.
  18. Rained incredibly hard for like 10-15 mins. Then it was pretty much done.
  19. Pretty wicked storm last night. I'm feeling pretty lucky my power was stayed on. Homes across the street were dark this morning with a lone generator humming in the background.
  20. 70 degrees now. Pretty nice out. Almost time to fire up mr. bbq.
  21. Storms kinda meh in delco. I was sort of hoping for a lighting show.
  22. i have stone in one bed, and it seems like thats where i do the most weeding. i am a total noob when it comes to landscaping a whatnot. I wouldnt do well on the gameshow "flower or weed." i really have mostly just had grass at previous homes. But i'm gonna have a hard time ripping all the landscaping out around here.....the PO was loved by all the neighbors and all of them have told me how much he cared for the outside, and all his wonderful flowers/shrubs/plants, and how great the place looks when everything is in bloom. I doubt anybody is going to come up to me and say "i think that asphalt looks way better in those planters than any of those shrub/bushes/flowers that were there." I really did think about cutting my own lawn, but that would require me to go out and purchase lawn equipment, and there is no fucking way a push mower would be on the shopping list, i would want to sit and get it done fast, so i would buy some fancy thing like you have. And then i would have to get a new shed since the existing one is in less than stellar shape, and is super damp inside, and there is no way im putting a mower in the garage. The cars would be pissed. With what the lawn elves charge me, it would be years before i was in the black on the mower anyways, and i am more than happy sitting on my porch watching the grass grow instead of mowing it.
  23. Im with you. Personally i think both toast and nmski must have some type of disorder to be this obsessed with lawn cutting. Or its just that i have so little patience for lawn care. I do have more landscaping at this house in the way of flower beds and whatnot that need weeding more often then not. Unfortunately i found out the hard way i have poison ivy out front. Fuck that weeding bullshit at this point to. Im gonna pave over everything and put up the prettiest fake bushes/shrubs/flower thingys i can find.
  24. Lawn elves showed up at my house yesterday sometime.
  25. so far, this year we have had more rain than last year. Crazy. rained its ass off last year too. i guess this is the new normal.
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