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Everything posted by JFskiDan

  1. The cookies at the Elk Country Inn were pretty good. Not sure if you had any, so if you didnt, for future reference, they were pretty good.
  2. Dammit, i always turn on pasr after i eat. I should have taken a pic. Grilled zucchini, squash, mushrooms, onions with ground chicken, diced tomatoes with a little shredded cheddar cheese on top. Might sound a little odd, but its fucking delicious. Sometimes i sort of do the same thing with cabbage. Last night i had parmesean garlic pork tenderloin with some fresh farmers market green beans. Tenderloin was on par with what enjoralas does on the grill on sausage sunday. I had the leftovers for lunch today at work and it was just as good someone even said that it smelled awesome as i was walking past them. It was actually the guy that put his pizza in the microwave for 40 minutes about 2 years ago. if you guys have a good memory you will remember i posted picks of the microwave, it actually caught on fire, and the office smelled like burnt plastic.
  3. Stay home. Its gonna be epic around here. Might get an inch or so!!!
  4. Must be ok today. Or they are giving out hot cocoa at the top of Sublette.
  5. 5' in 4 days. Un-fucking-believable. 8:15 JH time. pretty big lineup already.
  6. Sounds horrible.
  7. Thats ok. Strippers will pretty much show up where ever you would like them to. Birthday parties, bar mitvah, poker game, end of season party at Blue, etc.
  8. I use Expresspark North lot. Its on my way to the airport. i have never had a problem there. 6 days were $60 all in. I went the Enjorales root once and parked at the valet thing, but i hated it. seemed like it just took forever for everything to happen. I find the shuttle to be super easy, they pull right up to your car...etc. not sure how the economy bus is set up for 2 bags and skis.
  9. 7:30 am, (JH time) pretty good lineup at the tram. 3 people in line at the gondola. snowing on the cams at the base. should be interesting in an hour.
  10. JFskiDan

    gift cards

    I dont see you with any drink cards.
  11. JFskiDan

    gift cards

    Thats what is commonly known as a lowball offer in negotiations. Did you miss the part where i had to spend thousands to get theses? They dont give these out to just anybody, you know.
  12. JFskiDan

    gift cards

    I recieved these southwest drink coupons after charging thousands of dollars for goods and services on my southwest credit card. If anyone wants to buy them from me i will discount them 10%. $6345. Let me know.
  13. JFskiDan

    gift cards

    It was me. That blows me away.
  14. JFskiDan

    gift cards

    QFT. Understandably you go out of your way to save a dollar. If Mr. Giftcards would have spent some time here first, he would have been able to figure out that his target audience for his 10% off giftcards is a really small percentage of the people here. Personally the deal seemed super shady to me, and didnt interest me in the least. The amount of hoops one was going to have to jump through in order to feel like giving a complete stranger cash for a piece of Blue Mountain plastic was a great deal where too significant, to save 30$-40$. Risk reward wasnt worth it in my book. Everybody likes to save money, but i always feel like my time (anytime) has a value, and these giftcards were going to require some time to get a hold of, and confirm the legitimacy of them. I am amazed at what people on ebay will pay for giftcards, and lift tickets that could be worth absolutely nothing.
  15. They definitely did not. We asked the employees that showed up and got in the lineup what time they were told opening was, and they said 8 am. The guys running the lift were told 8 am as well. For future reference, it doesnt seem to matter much for future reference.
  16. Oh, right....and you may not even get someone on the phone. and if i remember correctly from calling about the 8 or 8:30 opening debacle, the message usually doesnt get out until 7 am.
  17. Call them? In general, it seems like society today wants to communicate through email, text, facebook, etc......I kind of hate it. I think when you need an answer for something, there is just nothing better than picking up the phone to get an immediate response. One time i was told by a customer who emailed me "i would have appreciated a quicker response." every email i send out has my cell on it. I just dont get if he needed an answer so quick, why did he just call?
  18. Holy Fuck. Early bird gets the worm though.
  19. My power is more likely to go out for no apparent reason than when it is windy.
  20. so many weird noises last night. Most of which i found out this morning had to be my neighbors gate banging back and forth. Oddly enough, my electric didnt go out at all.
  21. There should be something like the Postmaster General for ranking ski trails, maybe like "skimaster general". I dont think anything in the poconos should be labeled as double black. Challenge and Corbets are worlds apart in difficulty.
  22. I heard they were giving out free cocoa Saturday morning. And Vail was gonna buy Blue. And Ryan was going to start posting.
  23. JFskiDan


    Lots of high school kids, and seniors. Lift rides were interesting. Big time race team people too. They should have been running the quad.
  24. JFskiDan


    Heard good things about Joey B's as well. Not this time though, i went home to make lunch. i dont live in a hotel you know. Palmerton is actually a cool little town.
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