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Everything posted by JFskiDan

  1. i skied stowe and sugarbush last year. Castlerock is really what i remember about that trip as being tops. Conditions were better at Sugarbush, not awesome at Stowe, but i am sure castlerock can be icy east coast death at times too.
  2. Winner, winner, fried food dinner.
  3. they own the land at jfbb. that happened 2-3 yrs ago. I believe wildcat is forestry land, so no hopes of expansion there, but they did do quite an upgrade to the snowmaking system. Another really well thought out post by you. Do you really think any of the items you listed there will have a good return on their investment? There are so many more things they could do to increase revenue before just throwing money at the place. i kinda think that whole park thing is on a downhill slide somewhat, but thats just my opinion. It would be interesting to see volume from like 2008-2011 vs. last year.
  4. We get it. you like Snowbird.
  5. here is the 2014-2015 Accujoke weather map.
  6. JFskiDan


    there are some decent trees at Okemo. enough that when you mix in it with the groomers it will keep you occupied. When i was there last year, i think they hadnt had snow for a while and got like some rain or sleet, which made for a crusty top. the less traveled trees where pretty tough to navigate. off the southface i would revisit loose spruce, and check out forest bump. Everglade, tree dancer and the shadows will have more traffic through them and the first two are nice, but like the entire mountain, fairly mellow. looking at the trail map i dont remember even checking out supernova at jackson gore. like everyone has stated previously, family, groomers, waffles, no gss......
  7. Discuss. Skied solitude 2 years ago, although the lifts are set up pretty weird, it was an awesome time. One of my Utah favs for sure. I think 9 other people were there that day. I for one hope it doesn't change to much.
  8. Thats a good deal. Thanks for posting root. Fyi, last year sugarbush would give u a $50 ticket for showing a season pass to another mountain.
  9. you need Phillycores rug. nice skis and a lovely story to go with it.
  10. Thats some good pre season stoke. Bummer about the later weekend start this year but still a great dealio.
  11. ok...i'll bite. where else would the valves be?
  12. lol...i thought you didnt care about cost. Cadillac had/has some type of wagon that has a ridiculously big engine in it as well. not sue if its a 4 wheel drive dealio or not, but it will run with or better than whatever corvette TTC6 strapped his snowboard to. Very true. thats why i liked my 4runner so much. ran like a top, but honestly, i dont think there was one straight panel on the thing, it was a few different shades of white, the sunroof was stupid and broken, but the 4wheel drive worked.....well.
  13. I was so excited when Ski mag got here, and how thick it was. i figured it was just packed with tons of useful info. At least i know where to eat if i go to Deer Valley.
  14. Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT. Just cause it will get you there fast.
  15. 4runner. hands down best vehicle i ever owned. Sold it with 160k on the odo..i still see it running around. The 2 Exploders we had here at work never made it past 100k, before they were junk. Shit just fell off of them randomly, bizarro electrical issues.
  16. Why is sheetz, Karaoke, nachos, and parking lot pimping mentioned on every other thread?
  17. is that this years package? Last year it was like middle of Feb for weekends. i hope they otherwise determine.
  18. I suffer with the same disorder. Its horrible.
  19. Frost with the pass which has been long paid for. My checkbook and pen is at the ready for Mbikes passes for Blue. I really enjoyed last season with getting some great days in at both frost and blue. Utah is pretty much a lock, and i would like to do something like Vt again late season. Right about now, i would ski the "tilted tabletop" that is freedom at BB, and be really happy. At least for 10 mins or so.
  20. That was taken Saturday, i think. Epic Pow day was Thursday. what a great weekend. it just kept snowing.
  21. Not from today, but a little reminder of the best weekend in PA last year.
  22. Bear definitely pulls their people in from very close to the mountain. i havent been to Bear since it was Doe, but i applaud them for the effort they do to make the place what it is, in such a borderline climate for a ski joint. Says the guy who has purchased how many passes in the past 4 years? lol.
  23. When you have some time for a little reading, since this thread has gone so shitty. http://thewvsr.com/ryans.htm
  24. i dont know, i think the skis might be priced a little high....i mean, look what dropping $450 on some gear gets you........ Skis-bindings-boots and poles - $450 (Florence NJ )
  25. The power has now gone off at my house twice in the last week. Both times at night. it looks like this.
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