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Everything posted by JFskiDan

  1. I will be there if you want to meet up at some point.
  2. Heading to east. Doms wearing an ugly blue jacket.
  3. Meet 11 am top of one park. I will be there in a few to meet dom. Brown jacket orange hoody.
  4. Evening elevator shot
  5. Monday thing sounds good to me. thanks for the info.
  6. Fun day for sure. Tbolt glade is a nice addition for sure. Glades are skiing pretty well even for some thin coverage in spots. i hope the weather pattern reloads with some more freshness. the 2 snows we had were a big benefit. Conditions were really nice over the last 6 days.
  7. I think they claimed 8 for the storm on the 26th. I think kyle has it pretty close. The first digit on their ruler must be a 4. We didnt get 18" over the past 3 days.
  8. Of course.
  9. JFBB claiming 10" ! They need a new ruler.
  10. Left at 1:30. Hard to leave. Definetly could have skied all day there. Looked like for a time they were going to open east mt lift to help with the lift line at challenge, but after 12 the line was pretty managable. Lesser crowds today. Snowmaking person told me 2 days for rivershot to open. Roads on the way home were horrible, like ice. Slid around quite a bit. Thinking about a short session at BB tonight.
  11. awesome. One park is really nice. Challlenge trees skiing nice
  12. Try dunkin donuts. Not sure if they have the bogo, but i am pretty sure they have $10 off. Dont think lukoil has them this year. Dont sweat it though, absolutly no coupons or pretty girls with extra cleavage will work for this sunday. Holiday rates until the second.
  13. fun morning, but way to crowded for me by 11 am. they installed ABS (automatic braking system) starting about the bottom 1/3 of Challenge. the man made that was drifting over from Thunderbolt (un-opened) onto Challenge actually made it a "challange" to get to the lift without the use of poles. Demattes was pretty good, but a slalom course after about 10, when the snow loosened up nice. i took a walk over to East Mountain, which has quite a ways to go yet. looks like the last headwall on rivershot was getting good coverage, but from the top of the E-Glade to the elevator, it looks like they would benefit from some of the portable fan guns. Good news is they are blowing a decent amount into the E-glade. i will keep the pics of East Mtn for my own enjoyment since i cant post them.
  14. Challenge Thunderbolt
  15. best i can do for now.. trees on challenge. BB was fun tonight. Snow was great. Mountain update- Midway should be open tomorrow. Snowdrift is thin on coverage. no snowmaking thus far on Dragonfire. Not completly positive, but i think Dragonfire is the only trail left to make snow on. normal for this week, however there is still quite some work to do at Frost. No east mountain, although i think they have started on it tonight, Exhibition as of today only has the 8" of fresh powder on it that JFBB is claiming they recieved yesterday.
  16. Frost was nice today. Challenge is the best run open, trees are getting filled in some but still need some more snow. One park glade needs alot more help. (insert picture of trees on Challenge here) Skiers right on challange has been left ungroomed, and some nice bumps are setting up. (insert picture of bumps on Challange here) Since Fluffy is busy in the Sno Mountain thread, and JFBB updates their facebook page about once a week, i will handle the mountain updates. it looks like thunderbolt will be open tomorrow. about 11 am today they were pushing out the whales. hopefully they can get it open. by about noon Challange became a slalom course. (insert picture of groomer on Thunderbolt here) I am having issues posting pics. i think its my super slow internet. will try later.
  17. JFskiDan

    Open Date

    Frost is really nice today.
  18. Nice stuff....it might get cold enough around these parts to make snow friday night. Taking up residency in Vermont?
  19. winter starts on Friday. better late than never.
  20. JFskiDan

    Opening Tues 12/18

    If im not mistaken, BB was charging $50 over the weekend. Dragonfire is still not open.
  21. its the slope in between Bunny Schuss, and Big Boulder. i cant spell it let along pronounce it, so i renamed it.
  22. i assume they are adding Bunny Schuss and something else....they are saying 5 or more for this weekend, and last weekend there wasnt a lick of snow on Dragonfire, so probably no hope there.
  23. Its been mums the word on the social media stuff as far as Frost, so i wont hold my breath. i think if there were even thinking of opening Frost, they would have said something. Again, debating on what to do this weekend. Boulder will be rinse and repeat if they dont open anything else. Have to head back saturday night, so no skiing for me sunday.
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