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Everything posted by JFskiDan

  1. This is bad. But this is good. We will need some other sign for the tie breaker.
  2. Sunday-Monday-Tuesday, there could be something there. Watching with the most limited expectations, but none the least, setting things up at work as if i dont come in at least Monday.
  3. Agree 100%. I used to deal with a lot of people VIA email, be it property managers, or residents of those in the HOA. Everybody is a keyboard hero. People would send me emails full of complaints, like we moved their flower basket and didnt put it back and thats just totally unacceptable....blah blah blah....... i would then go out of my way to call them back.....where they acted like "it was no big deal" and they were just nice as pie to me on the phone. Stopping by their home to speak to them really knocks them off their guard as well. I will send emails if for some reason i need kind of a paper trail on something, but i usually call shortly after sending the email as well.
  4. Agree. Agree. Agree. Oh, nice. Agree.
  5. posted content worth reading.
  6. i would agree with this. It makes perfect sense, in a year that makes no sense. I am kind of curious as to how much for next year though.
  7. You should really stop fooling yourself into thinking this is going to happen. Its not. We know this is what you want, but the chances of that happening are about the same as Sallyant posting content worth reading (see above)
  8. I dont see this. I will go on record stating that Blue will never be in the partner pass participant program. I would say we have a waaaay better shot at "coming soon" opening in 5 years.
  9. I saw something about Monday, but the author was sort of alluding to a fish storm, to add insult to injury with us continuing to be a swing and a miss on storms. But its also days away. Im not sure if Blue will see one flake out of this, but who knows. I saw several FB post from hrs ago that said "snow will start soon".
  10. Nah....some guy last year, or the year before.....it was totally funny how worked up he got about some photos blue used that weren't theirs. He was also complaining about they werent making snow early in the year, because they didnt want to. another tool bag that didnt understand temp, dewpoint, humidity, etc,.
  11. Seems that way. I mean i hear 1-2, 1-3", but it always seems like the higher number is the unicorn. I think tomorrow will be a work day for me.
  12. Anyone impressed by tomorrows snow? It doesnt look like much to get excited about IMO.
  13. This should be interesting to watch.
  14. Bumps the size of Volkswagens. That was fun.
  15. Good conditions this morning. It was worth putting up with the line for a few extra runs. food was on point as always.
  16. Nice balls! Big balls! I mean, thats a nice big thing of cheese balls.
  17. Fiiled out the questionnaire and submitted it. This morning.
  18. Im impatient, and toast has the goods now.
  19. Had me jealously looking at the cams today.....no lines at the base i could see. looks like a great day.
  20. Whats it gonna take for you the be the dirty cop? 3 car washes, 2 oil changes, 4 bags of Cheddar Horseradish kettle chips, a portable pizza oven for the lot? am i getting there?
  21. no, you are right, its just a blanket policy, and would take forever to figure out who actually needs it, and who doesnt. then the people that dont get it feel as though they are entitled to the same benefit, and then theres riots, and people wearing new Nike's and Timberlands.......and it drives the country further apart.
  22. I see that, and raise you the ethical issue of anybody here actually needing the second stimulus check. They should be paying more attention to those that are in need, rather than those that go skiing and enjoy sausage sunday.
  23. Well, then, again, TFTI.
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