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Everything posted by SkiCamelback

  1. I have gotten a few tech questions -- here are a couple of answers -- Camera (Nikon) shoots 6 frames per second, then took each frame and photo shopped into one picture to create the sequence. Shot wide angle (if I remember it was 24mm) at 500 ISO, F7 something, and auto focus off (manual), hand held. The hit is bigger than the picture portrays. The flat light and the white snow without contrast doesn't give any real depth of field. This guy hit it several times that day -- and landed each one great! If the rider is nearly 6 feet tall -- how high and far did he go??? Darn impressive!! Yes - Pappa -- I have another angle that I am working on for the full hit, float and landing -- just waiting for the right rider. Are you ready for the close up???? As I get more park pics -- I'll post. P-Architech and the crew are doing a great job!! If you all haven't seen the park live -what are you waiting for??
  2. Taken on 1/23/09
  3. To kick the season off, Camelback is setting up rails at the Tubing Park! That's right -- it's the earliest that CB has opened, and we are starting with rails and park features! Here's the scoop: Friday - 3 pm to 8 pm and it's FREE Sat. & Sun. - 10 am to 4 pm and it's a $10 Admission ticket. As a bonus -- Complimentary Park passes will be issued that can be used all season once the mountain opens, so come out and ride this weekend and save the $5 for the park pass. To get onto the slope -- a waiver must be signed, so if you're under 18 -- you will need a parental signature. The forms can be downloaded from the website CLICK FOR FORM For more info click here Remember -- get boards and bindings safety checked!! We are looking forward to a great season and pray for snow!!
  4. It's the end of August and Fall is around the corner! I hope everyone is having a great summer and getting ready for winter! OK -- we launched a new website and are really excited. There are a few small tweaks, but it's up and running. Also -- We have changed our season pass program for this year-- any thoughts on the new programs?? SkiCamelback's new website For the best deal -- get a buddy and buy two CB passes at the sametime and save an additional $100 (or $50 per pass). End of the sales plug.... Cold nights are coming!!!!
  5. As an FYI -- the Jib Stick Jungle Rail Jam is happening this Saturday. The location will be at the base of Cliffhanger, next to the Stevenson Quad. Click for more info.. I hope to see you on Saturday!
  6. As they say, "all good things must come to an end," and unfortunately our lifts will close for the season on Saturday April 5th at 5 pm. Although it may be the last day, we have a lot planned- $19.95 Lift Ticket (8 am
  7. Today might be the first day of Spring, but it is still full on winter at Camelback! There are several events coming up: Sunday, March 23, 2008 - Easter Sunday Photos with the Easter Bunny and an Easter Egg Hunt! Sunday, March 30, 2008 - Slide Ink Rail Jam Open Jam Format, open to skiers and riders of all ages. Saturday, April 12, 2008
  8. Sunday, March 30, 2008 - Slide Ink Rail Jam Open Jam Format, open to skiers and riders of all ages. And the main event: Jib Stick Jungle Rail Jam April 12, 2008 CASH & PRIZES TOTALING OVER $10K! Info for Jib Stick Jungle Rail Jam
  9. Camelback is nearing its 10 millionth skier/rider visit
  10. It's great to hear that people are coming out to ski and ride this spring! As an FYI -- this Saturday is the annual Spring Fest Weekend and the Pond Skimming Contest. for more info -Spring Fest Weekend
  11. There are no black out dates or times. The tickets are good for the day. All that we ask is that you show your current 2007-2008 picture pass (from any ski area in the world), and sign in (give us your name and address). For that, we'll hook you up everytime that you want to ski or ride CB (for the rest of season), with a complimentary ticket. It's that easy. If you don't have a picture pass -- Don't worry there are deals for you -- purchase your ticket online (www.skicamelback.com) for $19.95 (all day lift, good anyday -- including weekends). If that still doesn't work -- starting Sunday Night, get a ticket from 3 pm to 7 pm for ONLY $9.95!! Starting Sunday March 16th -- lifts run 8 am to 7 pm DAILY. We are planning on being open to at least Easter (of course weather permiting). Sorry Ski911 -- the conditions are too good for you to enjoy alone!!!
  12. Here is the DEAL -- If you have a current 07-08 picture pass to any ski area in the world -- Present your picture pass in the Welcome Center, sign in, and RECIEVE A FREE LIFT TICKET FOR DAY!!! If you had a good time, do the same thing the next day, and then the next day, and again until the end of the season....
  13. It's great to hear that SkiDude and Ski had a good time! I looked for you guys -- but you must have gotten lost in the crowd. Next time.... BTW-- SKidude, how did you get free passes?
  14. Due to severe weather and icing - Camelback Ski Area and the Tubing Park will be closed today. The slopes will re-open on Thursday the 14th.
  15. Thanks for coming up. Glad to read that you had a great time!
  16. Quick update for the weekend -- Both the Rhodo Park and Oak Grove Half Pipe are anticipated to be open for the weekend. Scheduled for Sunday is the first of several Half Pipe competitions! Info on Competitions The pipe will be cut over the next couple of days and will be in top shape for the weekend! With the recent cold temperatures -- snowmaking has been on many trails and the mountain looks great for weekend skiing and riding.
  17. It's Ski Camelback's Birthday (as in the ski area)-- the ski area opened for skiers in 1963! This year marks the 45th aniversary of the resort (a birthday sort of). When I filled out the profile for the MB, I just plugged in the 1/1/63 for age for the ski area. It's not my personal birthday (and I'm not that old yet). We will have a few events scheduled to celebrate later this season. FYI-- as of right now (10:30 am) we have recieved about 5 inches of new snow this morning. It has stopped snowing and the new snow is getting skied in. I have been told the skiing is good. Happy New Years!
  18. The snow started to come down around 5:30 am this morning and now (7am) we have about 2 inches of new snow. I hear it's raining in lower elevations and futher south? By looking at the radar, it looks like we'll be getting snow for the next several hours. Conditions - Machine groomed and packed powder with a little fresh snow on top. Sames trails open as yesterday (24 of 33), and the snow coverage continues to be good. Temps are expected to drop later today and Wednesday and snowmaking will continue. CB Conditions Page Expecting light crowds today -- A good morning to get out on fresh snow! Happy New Years!
  19. Today might be the best day of the season so far --- 4 inches of new snow, 24 slopes open and 11 lifts running, with the forecast of sun and mild winter temperatures! Conditions are packed powder and machine groomed conditions with good coverage on all slopes. Being a Holiday, I suggested skiing/riding early and taking a late lunch in at the Glen Lodge. FYI
  20. Anyone get out yesterday? If so
  21. In all - today is looking like a great day to ski and ride! Sun, temp's in the 30's and 18 of 33 slopes open, all services via the Sullivan Quad. The Laurel Glade park and pipe are closed for snowmaking and grooming, but should re-open Wednesday freshly cut and with groomed features. Conditions are still a combination of FG, LG and recently blown packed powder -- I'd call it "variable," but should ski and ride real nice (after a little sun). Outlook for Thursday --- Nile Mile, Pharaoh and Bactrian from the Steveson Lift. Lunch special hasn't been posted -- but a new burger is being served in the Coconut Cafe and there is a Fixin's Bar that includes fresh sliced tomatoes, lettuce, onions and pickles. Get a side of chili to top it off.
  22. Day 5 16 of 33 slopes open and all serviced by the Sullivan
  23. Day 4 Same conditions a yesterday with 16 of 33 slopes open, serviced by the Sullivan
  24. Day 3 For starting the first week of the winter season is a little wet and mild weather. Forecast for the next few days is mid-30
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