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Everything posted by SkiCamelback
Park Update -- As relayed to me from the park guys..... The Up Box has been re-worked to slide upwards (instead of sloping downwards). The guy's say it's a lot more fun and gives more time to spin and jib off the end. Come practice your 270 pretzels on the box (not sure what it means? That's what the park guys are working on today). Still haven't made it past my desk to get a photo of the pipe.... sorry
The Skiing and Riding over the weekend was very good -- Marjie's opend and conditions were mostly Packed Powder. For the coming week, I'd predict more slopes being open with good edge-to-edge covereage and Packed Powder Conditions. Today-- we are on 18 slopes (about 65% of the acreage), everything has been groomed, and more trails being opened by midweek. The Half Pipe has recieved its first grooming and shaping! It's going to need a few more days/nights of snowmaking, but the pipe is starting to take shape. I'll try to get out once there's light and snap a few photos to post..
I skied Marjie's today. It was OK, firm and hardpack, with a little loose granular (I'd call it "Variable Conditions"). With that said -- I think by Saturday it will be primo!! It needs to get groomed over a few times. Lower Cleo, Home Again, Honeymoon and the Meadow's were great -- Packed pow all the way. Temps are staying cold and the snowmaking crews have been going strong for nealy 72 hours. With the forecast for the weekend and next week -- it won't be long for more and more to get opened.
Snowmaking will continue on sections of the original 9 west trails periodically. Going towards the East -- the crews will focus first on the middle mountain slopes -- and then start the far east slopes. As for new trails, I think we'll have Marjie's open within the next day or two. As for the far east side, Raceway, Rhodo and Nile Mile are the first top priorities. If we keep the real cold temps, trails will open fast!! Snowmaking has been efficient (cold temps, lower humidty and light winds) and everything is maxxed out. Snow making has been going for a little over 24 hours straight!!! Let's keep our fingers crossed for keeping the cold temps -- and the forecast does look good. The only hitch is mid-day highs might get slightly above freezing over the weekend and temporarly slow snowmaking operations. I was talking to a snowmaker about this, he said, "We'll find shade and make snow there." These guys are commited to burrying this mountain in snow!!! I'll post more as I get it.
The event has been postponed. The new date is TBD. As of right now, that's the best info CB has. I don't know anything about the links to other schedule of events. I'll try to contact the guys to update their calendar. The Agent Felt remark -- he was a famous reliable source -- I'm just goofing around. sorry..
Was your "reliable source" W. Mark Felt?
As far as I know, it's postponed with a date TBD.. I'll see if that's changed?
Cold temps have stayed through the night
Now that winter has hit the Poconos -- we plan on making snow round the clock. The plan is to open the East Side, the Rhodo Park and the new half pipe. I don't have the exact sequence for snowmaking (on trails), but opening as much as possible. Any rumors of not opening the East Side, the park or the new pipe are wrong. The only thing that can change this plan is if the weather doesn
Why didn't I post more on RideCB? We spent approximatly 12-18 hrs. a week just doing administration functions on the MB-- looking for spam posts hourly, delete spam, banning IP's, re-banning IP's, PM members to use better language, sending sorry notes about the bad spam (the adult stuff) and talking to the MB host for security updates. And after all that, we tried to answer questions and resolve issues. Where is our time better spent? I'm glad for PASAR --- ThinkSnow and guys have the headaches and I get to talk (type) about skiing, riding and snowsports!!!!!
I finally got out on the snow! Conditions were FAST, FLAT & FIRM! I loved it
9:30 AM OK -- still haven't made it past my desk for a first hand report but, The cold temps arrived a few hours earlier than expected --- MAKING SNOW ON THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!! It's looking like a solid 2-3 days of snowmaking! Weekend is looking good too --- partly sunny, with daytime highs in the low 30's.. We should have additional trails open by Friday (marketing clause -- provided the cold temperatures and snowmaking continue as anticipated) I'll post some info on which trails are getting snow (in addition to the current 9) as soon as the Snowmaking Mgr. is down from the top.
Right now it's in the low 40's and temps will DROP as the morning continues. Opening with groomed spring like conditions. The air is dry, and without any fog --- over the night the snow set up real nice. The west side 9 will be open again and the park has been groomed (same lay out for the features). Get on it early -- afternoon is better than nothing, but this morning is going to be sweeeet... Snowmaking will start as soon as the temps drop -- expected mid-day or this afternoon.
Unfortunatly I never made it past my desk today. I was told that the skiing and riding was good. The fog was starting to lift late afternoon -- so night skiers and riders got the best of the day. The forecast is calling for 30's tonight with humidity -- so there most likely won't be any snow making tonight (Monday night). The weatherman is calling for "seasonal" temps starting Tuesday and going into (and perhaps through) the weekend. I know that the snowmaking crews are getting ready for a round-the-clock assault once the temps get here! Not sure I'll make any PASAR events if they are on weekends -- gotta work! But I would like to get to Blue and ride that new lift and head up to Elk. I'll post a first hand report tomorow..
It's 7:40 -- lifts open in 20 minutes. Haven't made a run yet, but everything looks good. Skiing and riding is on the west side 9 with 4 lifts. Everything was groomed out last night and has set up well. It will start machine groomed and by mid-morning be more "spring-like" after it's been skied/ridden. I am not expecting huge Holiday crowds, so the slopes should have plenty of room. If you like spring conditions with little to no crowd -- today is your day!! Park set up is the same -- don't want to tear up the snow too much with the current warm temps. Snowmaking will start again late tonight or Tuesday -- as soon as the conditions allow. I'll post more after I get out later today..
I just got in from making a few runs.. It's foggy with hero-snow. Warm enough to go without a hat, yet wet enough to make me wish I had one on. All slopes had good coverage and the snow was wet and did not pile up much. With cold temps on the way, snowmaking will only make the skiing and riding better for next weekend-- and hopefully with more trails open... Park set up was the same from the other day. If the temps drop more tonight (and earlier), mabey some of this fog will go away? I have been asked about the webcam -- We don't control the postioning. It's run by the weather guys at NBC 10 in Philly.
The Jay Peak Deal: The following is for ALL PICTURE PASS Holders (sorry Camelcard, Treasure Pack and Explorer Card guests): On Sat., Sun., & Holidays CB pass holders can get a lift ticket for $38 (save $21) Midweek Non-Holidays, CB pass holders can get a $30 lift ticket. One ticket per day, per pass holder. Jay Peak is a long way north to not stay overnight. Midweek packages start at $99 (per person, double occupancy) and that get's you a lift, room and a meal. Give our friends a call at 800-451-4449, or visit jaypeakresort.com for more information. I'd like to hear if anyone takes Jay Peak up on the deal and hear how the trip was?? I just checked out the website -- they do have snow and 1/2 the mountain open. They usually get as much natural pow as many western resorts. If someone goes, let me know -- I'll give a CB t-shirt. Wear the shirt in the tram and get a picture. I think that would be cool (a little corney, but I'd put it up as photo of the day)... Any questions, please call the CB Welcome Center or Jay Peak directly...
I'd like to invite both Ski & Pappa for a day of skiing. I will personally print the ticket and place it on Ski's youngster, and I'll rake-out every landing for TEAM Pappa and the boys. On the lift, I'll sit in the middle and see who pushes me off first? :)
I skied late this afternoon. I thought the conditions were darn good! It was mostly packed powder, and a few firm spots, but overall I had fun. Tomorrow should be better -- one more night of snowmaking and everything will get groomed out again. The lower part of Meadows (skier's right) had a small section of snow cookies, but after tonight's grooming-- it will ski great!
Ski - Not sure why there has been a delay? I'll make sure that you are taken care of ASAP. Thanks for the update. Craig
Here's the current snowmaking report-- Tons of it!! The temperatures have gone down and the crews are adding more guns to the effort. We are still concentrating on the original 9 slopes (that opened earlier). Keep your fingers crossed and praying that the cold temps will stay. The plan is to re-open the Laurel Glade park with boxes and a few small hits, the half pipe is probably not going to open for the weekend. The CB Daily Pic's page has been fixed and updated with photos from yesterday and today's snowmaking. Winter's Back!!
That's great that you want to get the kids going at an early age!! At Camelback they would both be in the Sugar Bears Childrens program. You can get the specifics off of the website (www.skicamelback.com). All ski areas in the Poconos have great learning programs and I am confident that your kids would have a great time at any one resort. If you are new to skiing, I would reccomend that you call (the ski area of your choice) in advance and get the low-down on times of instruction and an idea of getting through the "process" -- purchasing lift tix, lesson and rentals -- and the ski school meeeting area/childrens learning center. Thanks for thinking of Pocono skiing.
Nastar on Raceway -- I guess saying edge-to-edge was a little overkill , what I mean is that the trail needs alot of snow to set and run the race, while having enough room to have a lane for non-racers to get down. For Thusday -- not 100% sure if it will be all Nine trails or a few fewer slopes? It will be the west side of the Mountain (Tut, Birches, Meadows, Laurel & ect..) -- it's the orginal opened slopes that are getting the snowmaking. Snowmaking has been going well, but a few degrees colder would help in increasing the quantity of snow being made. Best case, yes, 9 slopes. Worst case and temps stay marginal, less than 9. We'll know more Wednesday night. Stay conected to the website. Why the Camelbeach photo? Hey-- it's the FLow Rider! I thought it was a cool photo. Flow Boarding is an interesting cross-over activity. It's not at all like surfing. Think riding fresh pow that's 3 feet deep. Weight the back foot!!! Does anyone know who's spraying the crowd?? Hint -- he rides the park?? As I posted on another thread-- the website is still getting a few bugs worked out. We are going to have a gallery page with boat loads of winter pics. It should be up and running by the weekend. Here's a way off topic --- Does anyone have a FlowBoard? The skateboard thing that has several wheels on the front and rear trucks?? I saw it advertised on FUEL.. I think that has got to be the closest thing to Sboarding, that's not really Sboarding???
Nastar won't start until Raceway has snow edge-to-edge. Once Raceway is open, keep tuned to the daily conditions report, it is usualy listed as open for racing. We'll post an announcement on the Website also. Have your fingers crossed for keeping the cold temps around for several days and we'll be on Cliffhanger, Nile Mile and Raceway soon!! And Rhodo Park!!
Let's not write the season off yet! There is still a lot of winter ahead! Who says Rhodo won't open? I think it will. It won't be by the weekend, but as long as we have good snowmaking temps, we'll keep opening more trails. I don't think we will put anything new in Laurel (sorry), it will be kept with learning features. I know I'll get a lot of posts about how boring the Laurel Park is and how everyone is bored with the same jibs, but hang in there. A few years ago I went to the TELUS Games at Whistler. I watched the pro's go HUGE!! But you know what I found the most impressive? The moves they pulled on a garbage can stuck in the snow while waiting for their heat. Rodeo's on a nearly flat slope, off a garbage can in the snow. I'm not suggesting Rodeo's off any of the features in Laurel Park (or at CB), but making the most out of what's available. Have fun, be safe and help others.