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Everything posted by JibHonk

  1. Just a bit of clarification on the Teddy Bear park. It will not be accessible from the carpet. A section of trees is being removed to connect to Drifter which will be the only access point for Teddy Bear park.
  2. you should both learn how to love and not hate <<this is suppose to symbolize a hippy which symbolizes peace
  3. imagine if bear bought blue..it would be amazing..nice lodge..maybe a hotel lol and a fresher terrain park instead of having the ringling brothers circus build the rails they would be BCIW quality
  4. haha now all i need is a ride
  5. lol isnt skeeter from a tv show? i dont know the name but i know there was a dog named porkchop..snow is uniting us all haha its almost been a whole 2 days without a flamewar:)
  6. you must take into consideration that paolo is jewish tho
  7. i just creamed my pants this is fuckiing awesome! opening date for boulder yet?
  8. going to say yes you are the only one
  9. i never had taht problem cheif..i'm no poor bastard EDIT: plus i got a job there again this year that is whyi'm askin cuz on the paper they gave us at the returning instructor meeting it still said you could get up to 4 irs dependent/spouse passes as long as you worked a minimum of 9 hours a week
  10. wait 25 dollar passes are gone? i am confused and i've reread bc_mark's post several times.
  11. isnt the new black paint going to make the rails really sticky and catchy for boardslides and sucH?
  12. hahah its quite alright.. he'd find somethign to complain about haha
  13. ??? thats mengel that would complain about that haha
  14. i wouldnt complain if they did
  15. wrong i'm saying either those two hips would be nice or just an entire jib garden with assorted bonks and maybe a little table top or something
  16. insert incest joke here
  17. i want a medium anti jump into like a bmx style jump section
  18. so with all bear creeks new updates...where is the cell phone tower we've been promised?
  19. rode this bindings last season while my friend was hurt...i was soo mad when i had to give them back major bumppage
  20. and after all that added lift ticket price your A) better off buying the unlimited being a bamf and going during the day with your offpeak
  21. did this show already air and i missed it or what cuz i cant find it anywhere and a google search returns nothing but the plot of the show and some old movie called ski patrol
  22. they've already got goats who needs hamsters haha
  23. maybe it could power that little magic carpet or whatever it's called
  24. espicially since they ahve that new quad i'm sure that will send the bill through the roof..but ya more lights would be nice
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