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Everything posted by Young_Blood

  1. Everybody who complains about the stairs needs to stop. We will have to "rough it" this season and maybe in the future possibly next season they will implement the park pass becuz i really dont think blue cares rite now that a bunch of us park rats are complaining. I believe i will get sent to hell for this next statement that or worse i'll get beatly by words online..."HIT THOSE BASTARDS SITTING ON THE LANDINGS OF FEATURES..IF YOU INJURE THEM OR EVEN SCARE THEM I BET THEY'LL THINK TWICE ABOUT SITTING ON LANDINGS IN THE FUTURE AND IF YOUR WORRIED ABOUT HURTING YOURSELF THEN HAVE SOMEONE SCOPE THE LANDINGS FOR YOU."
  2. that wood be an awesum feature and wats up w. the Cliff? its like not a cliff drop anymore
  3. lol
  4. I think he was bein sarcastic hence the smiley face...but yea i usually ride Bear Creek but i've made several trips to blue in the past and it seems that everytime i go there sum idiot goes into the lodge leaves tehre stuff on the racka nd then starts screaming profanities becuz he got his board stolen i mean tahts asking for trouble. If you have something u care about and cant afford to lose u dont leave it in the open around a bunch of people who do the same thing and are always looking for a better set of skis or a better board. Example...Would u leave your young daughter in the middle of a child predator convention? no becuz she wood be important to u so the moral of the story is Always leave ur children in the daycare wen ur at the child predator convention. Or JUST CHECK YOUR SKIS AND BOARDS IN!!! HAVE SOME PATIENCE.
  5. lol that rite there wood motivate half of all the kids who fail school to pass it just so they can head up to bear and not have to go to school
  6. The new quad is soo incredibly comfortable that it is hard to sit on the others lift after riding this one hey mark i say u make all the lifts cushioned that wood be sooo sick...well i love u guys and i'm soo happy ur finally goin to get the moutain open and btw the Krank'D free sample thing was also really awesum u guys shood have more stuff like that they had sum pretty kick ass hats and good drinks too. well thats my 2 cents
  7. Since you guys werent open for New Years and there fore we coodnt ride till 1 or 2 wat ever it is. Do you guys plan on making another day for that like sum friday this season. I heard BB is gunna stay open till midnight one of these nights and i was hoping that once bear gets back on its feet you guys wood make that day up to us. well plz consider this
  8. Bear Creek dont get me wrong i love u guys but will you stop jerking us around liek this...i mean everytime u guys open u bust our balls by closing again and i know the snow making conditions arent helping but will one of u plz explain to me the purpose for blowing on the back side of the mountains. this is such bullshit guys, if you're not gunna be able to stay open w. decent features y open at all? i enjoyed riding this morning but it really gets under my skin knowing i'm not gunna get to ride tom.
  9. I own an unlimited pass and i def. do not think u offpeak pass buyers shood be allowed to go whenever you want, like they said b4 u get wat u paid for...and I like to have to mountain mostly to myself at like 1030 or 11. That way i get a lil bit of privacy b4 the crowds come.
  10. Young_Blood


    yea but bro 40 minutes there 40 minutes back and bear had one bad start blue had the same thing and so did most of the ski resorts in the area. We cant not go to bear becuz of the weather its all this damn el nino crap; i'm not hear to bitch and moan i just dont want to c bear take a big hit in pass sales. i bought an unlimited for 3 years now like i mite just get a less pass like off-peak idk how u guys feel but we cant blame bear and they even talking about reimburstment which shows they care
  11. Well i was sick all day 2day and it suxs so basically all i did was watch the webcams and i noticed taht they had the blowers on for a good portion of the day. this made me extremely happy and then i got to thinkin about there business and how they almost must open by January 15th ( i think thats Martin Luther King Jr. Day) Because i mean think about it that is a holiday where most if not all business give a day off for so that means money and considering bear creek missed New Years and Christmas they are going to be pushing to open by then and that means for us locals that we mite just mite be able to go up there this weekend cuz their gunna want all the xtra cash they can have b4 that big holiday:downhill: ...We will all know by Tom. morning
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