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Everything posted by YellowSnowJerseyPro

  1. GrilledSteeze i noticed that blue mountains quad is closed also, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha back the fuck offfffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Exactly what I am trying to say...............It's a progression park program how can you go from laurel glade to Rhodo?????? Impossible, I am just saying that they need a better transition between parks. And I would like to hear what people think about my suggestions. I looked over Big Boulders park and there gap ons are about one foot not 3 to 4 foot like CB's and there features are reasonable not 30 foot off the ground. Also, not to bash CB I love the mountain and Laurel Glade I just think the gap on is just to far out of range.
  3. I was in both parks Saturday and also Sunday. I must say that laurel glade is a very nice setup and I wouldn
  4. Yes i know it is weird hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm but can you please let mek now how it was and a detailed description by at least 1230 pm tomorrow???
  5. Any changes in the Rhodo or the Laurel Glades setup? What about that "up down" box any adjustments to that box? Please post a detailed description, I woud really appreciate it for I am heading up there on Saturday for the night. Thanks in advance!
  6. thanks man i looked at the photos on their web page and that one jump on looks pretty sweet but hrd at the same time, ill try it for myself next weekend
  7. How much snow did they recieve??????
  8. I cant't believe noone has talked about it, so can someone please post the conditions of rhodo and what features they have.
  9. I'm down, I'll be there at like 4:00 so let me know the evening meeting time. C-ya's there.
  10. Just cuz you're son cant do it doesnt mean anyone else cant!!! Your so ignorant with your views.
  11. Craig, I was wondering if you could shed some light on when Nile Mile and Rhodo will actually be open? Any chance of them opening this weekend? Thanks a lot!
  12. Have they even started to blow snow on Rhodo, from there website it doesnt say they are, but i will be up thee tomorrow so i will see for myself but please post back and let me know just incase
  13. No I am a nasty ass snowboarder from south jerz
  14. Excellent post I could not agree more with you! I put my hands together for you!
  15. Well I reccomend you be more careful around them guys be cautious because they are the most strict in the area. They are there for your safety though, so just take it and move on, I've been in those same shoes three times already. Those guys are everywhere man. By the way you wouldnt have happend to have been on the quad lift with 2 guys and a girl and you were by yourself and you said " I make fun of none locals" are you? I doubt it but that kid also told me he lives 2 minutes from the mountain. Just wondering..........................
  16. The rain this week is going to be short and sweet and very little if any at all, and look at the temps for next week! SNOWMAKING TEMPS FOR SURE! They will have the east side open in 2 weeks, 2 and a half tops! Look what they have done in 3 days they made like 36-48 inches of snow. I was there last Friday when they closed at 12 and let me tell you there was no snow anywhere!!!! then the next day did you happen to see the webcam?!? The snow was gone completely and look at them now 10 trails! Trust me the miracle they have worked over the past 3 days is amazaing compared to what that ski area looked like on Friday. I dunno man, sorry to rip on ya but im a die hard south jersey guy. I drive 2 and a half hours to that ski area at least 3 times a week and am a season pass holder. When someone rips on my mountain i get pissed just ask PapaSteeze hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, he's ticked me off a few times and i had to unfortunately give him a few threats. HOW ARE YOU ANYHOW PAPA? DOING WELL? I'M SURE ILL SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND AT NIGHT WITH YOUR KIDS. hAVENT SEEN YOU SINCE I TOLD YOU I WOULD GREET YOU WHEN I SEE YOU.
  17. Camelback is moving to the east side, i figure about 2 weeks until they are 100% open, based on the temps and all.
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