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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. i have heard from a few employees that there shooting for march 18th for closing... and i also heard that your not going to try to make more snow becuase people dont come and buy lift tickets the only people come are the season pass holders i also remeber last year when we were all told that they were going to push snow to the left side of the mountain and the parks to stay open untill late march early april... and then when that time rolled around nothing happened and they closed like march 14 or somethign
  2. idk about me about it seams that there is always a problem at the comp. either the judges are getting people and scores messed up or that they pick like kids doing 5050 on everything for the finals and get an people who knows what they are talking about cause like the announcer was calling 270's like boardslides and and just switch out and why are they always on thursday night ... so why does it matter if the park is closed down for 2 hours on a saturday morning night comps arent good
  3. i think the setup is the cliff to the car box or the picnic table to the 40foot handrail or the flat rail the small stairset the q-pipe with the bonks
  4. march 1st urban slopestyle who is all going... also anyone wanna buy a black airblaster leg bag.... pink pill
  5. i beleive its 4 feet wide by 20 feet long 4x20 420 box hahaha park was sick tonight starting to love that large stairset more and more everyday
  6. if you have a pass then whats the big deal if they check it every run
  7. yes, that was me why????
  8. new parks are alot of fun cant wait to film some lines what are you guys doing with the tree jib? its been set up wierd for like a week and the down handrails have such a small ollie on think of making the jump smaller or the rail taller
  9. pipe loooks sickkkkkk park looks funnn might have to go there for a filming day
  10. Matt B


    thats a funny vid, only if he skiied he would be accepted into the winter sports world hahahahahah
  11. thanks i understand it takes alot of time to organize an event like that and thanks for redoing the park i cant wait to see what you guys got in store for the new setup the urban slopestyle is going to be sick i cant wait to ride it
  12. i would rather have a crappy pipe than no pipe look at mountain creek, they have had the best pipe in the east for a long time and then this season killed it they arent even going to try to build a pipe, and they hold the grand prix's that a big contest to turn away so it could be worse you couldnt have a pipe all season
  13. personally i think they need to pull all the rails out and start fresh cause all the ones in the big park are burried so its like an inch ollie on and a ride on handrail set come on today i went for a morning sess and the park crew didnt do anything to fix the lips except put the blue marker paint on them they still had all the gay fake snow that they blew the night before on there there was only a couple hitable things in the park for monday morning the new jump wasnt groomed so it was mad choppy the tree jib at like ridic bad the two 40 foot rails were burried the hip... i wouldnt even call that a hip the handrail was a ride on and the stairs were covered in snow jump line was ok but the fake snow killed the lips and the run in's to everthing need to groom that out i know im complaining about the park, but i know bear is capable of being the best park in pa, they just need some people how know how to work the park i just want bear to be the best
  14. god nick your such an asshole!!! hahah that lady was crazy, park passes for the expert park and tubing park would be awesome cause there are so many people just riding though the park it makes it unsafe for people actully using the park mountain creeks park passes work great but you gotta pay 5 bucks camelbacks work but you have to waste 15 minutes just to get one so what i think they should do i just make people watch that video that plays in the caf tv's hahah i must have watched it like 10 times it actully has good riding shots and its only like 3 mins long so we get park passes and dont have to waste money or lots of time
  15. ok so today i got to session the new set up i dont really like how the flat box, flat rail , high short box are the are made really tall and like have a landing its kinda dumb it reminds me of blue mountain and in black bear the rainbow and upsidedown rainbow was gay the shot you mid rail or shot you to the flat bottom of the landing i like how we used to burry the rails in the ground and made like a small lip with a good gap on like it is in the lower park but yet the jumpline was amazinggg everything in it was good, both stairsets were really good, picnic table is funn
  16. well today i went to camelback for the oakley rail jam and all i gotta say is I LOVE BEAR CREEK IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GLAD its my home mountain camelback is so bad i dont even wanna talk about it good job park crew you guys are doing awesome
  17. i just got back from the oakley rail jam all i gotta say is wow it was the worst rail jam ever the rail choice wasnt the best and who ever heard of a rail jam with a quarter pipe in it.... the way the event was run was bad it was an open jam and they didnt even let us go without being told ok you can go and like wow camelback is ;sDIhga;sghsdoigheoihyeahhh
  18. yeah thats how it was but i asked the people and they just said to tell them if i was going switchhh i wish it was abvoious as a skiier going switch but whatever for next time ill know
  19. the comp was a lot of fun the onlly thing is we gotta work on a new way to tell when someeone is going switch cause i did a switch 720 and they didnnt know it was switch they even said it over the radio and the judges didnt know but good work park crew the jump was amazing ggggggg
  20. for the comp if its on the last jump could you smooth out the area bewteen the second jump and rail cause riding switch through that kind bucks you around i kno odd request but tonight it just was a little choppy
  21. whats the rails going to be? whts the format...... i forget is there catagorys or just open jam to everyone?
  22. well im going hunter will be there and so will nick and jon, zach has to work so he wont be there
  23. i second this
  24. so your saying the bus is 30 feet high without snow? dude look at the pics... theres like 5 feet thats not burried if your lucky hahahahah and theres no landing have fun falling off that shit hahahaha
  25. today the usasa comp was sick everything was set up perfict the cascade park all the rails were so burried and kinda gay... think you should pull all the rails out and rebuild them thanks park crew did anyone happen to film the usasa comp?
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