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Another Wall

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About Another Wall

  • Birthday 06/26/1991

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    Forum jiblet and Forum Young Blood
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Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. I am actually a member of the surfrider foundation at UNCW. I could try to tie them in as a sponsor (as well as solicit the shit outta the thing to local skate/ snowboard shops and such for other sponsors) and then if possible try to hold the contest on a weekend in march (if I get some momentum going that is...). Also my brother was the president of west chesters' snowboard club recently so we would definitely contact them and local university's clubs (such as temple, etc.) And don't get me wrong, as much as I would love for the thing to be in march or even in this season for that matter, the short time frame may make this goal unrealistic. If so, next year would make for a much more put together and organized event that I think may actually raise some significant funds, and I could try to get some surfrider reps there or something. Stoked on this idea regardless of when it happens...
  2. I have about 6 wetsuits... all ranging in thickness though that could be a problem with the really thick ones so steeze sandwich, you're covered... but kyle, I realized that people may not have wetsuits, hence the "beach gear." And as far as charity goes I have been giving it a lot of thought today and collaborated with my other brother and we both kinda stumbled on the conclusion that the money should go towards an ocean related charity.
  3. What up everyone? So me and my brother have been doing some SERIOUS thinking in the past few days about some fun events that we could propose on the mountain for either contest, fundraising, or just fun/stoke purposes or a combination of all three. Anyway, we came up with the wetsuit jam. Basically it is prettY self explanatory, put on your wetsuit or just a bunch of beach gear and show up at bear creek. We don't have the specifics down yet, but we're either thinking about some kinda rail/ jump jam, a race, and or just a bunch of runs that you would go out and ask people to sponsor you for doing in your wetsuit and try to raise some money for charity. Let me know what you guys think. Any feedback or modifications are more than welcome.
  4. Yo what up guys, Just saw the vids on you tube some of em are insane! And for those vids applause goes out to the filmers and editers for sure! But honestly some of the vids (no names necessary) although solid riding was showcased I didnt really feel are deserving of the lime light. I hate to be a hater and you know what? Maybe I have my head up my ass and am just down right arrogant, but this vid def deserves the third spot in the non go pro category as far as riding and editing goes. The weaker video in that category (once again no names necessary) really does not showcase a competitive level of either in my opinion. Anyway Heres the vid. Trash it, love it, criticize it, or even me! Have a field day! but any feedback would be much appreciated and if you feel the same way, hell, post your video's and we can all live in our own worlds and claim we have the best video on this forum! But constructive feedback is definitely preferred. Oh yeah and i realize that this video does lack on the portrayal of sponsors....
  5. what format does the video need to be saved in?
  6. Hello all, I am posting to ask advice and counsel from all of you. With the current weather of course I am searching for the largest hill in the area; if anyone has any local knowlege about a large to very large sized hill, preferably with a small flat section where one might build a jump followed by a second hill for landing, and is willing to share it would be much appreciated. Keep on keepin' on, ~Brehseph
  7. so some one give me a run down of spike especially jump line... not just size but how the jumps feel. Im thinking about coming in the next week or two and have seen some of the best jumps ive ever ridden on here, but have also been disapointed before, so how is it looking right now?
  8. magic carpet access is definately sweeter than lift access
  9. lookss sick...
  10. Ive been wanting some pdaes now that they have a park... and also just saw on the webcam a jump in the tube park, its kinda hard to see so i might be wrong, but if not then mmmm mmm its a wonderful day.
  11. Looking like i was a day late on my prediction. Possible halloween riding son.
  12. The following are the lows for monday through friday of next week: 27, 27, 25, 27, 30. Any snow would be nice.
  13. who cares about long lift lines, if the boulder is opened in november, then no one from the poconos should be complaining. Fucking hike if you dont want to wait in a lift line.
  14. for the past three years my mom has never been there and i have gotten the pass no questions asked. If you have the signed form then your golden.
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