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Everything posted by rideride

  1. i knooww. that thing is bad ass. i did my first front flip off that haha.
  2. yeah well, it was too late to go to a MT. and too early to go home.
  3. yeah i never even got a chance to slide on that thing lol. i caught an edge everytime and just went flyin. and yes, i broke the rail haha, it sucked. that was a dumb move, but it was fun.
  4. why would i take someone elses video? it's at ella harris park in mullica hill NJ next to the tennis courts lol. and i know its extremly stupid i just thought it was pretty funny that i broke the rail. and yno, what else are you suppose to do with the limited amount of snow we had? there's the other two if you wanted to check em out lol. and for the record, i didnt post em to show "how good we are" i just thought it was a funny video.
  5. We got bored and thought we'd try out this new handrail, and i used the tables cause i had no speed. but that was teh stickiest handrail ive ever been on haha.
  6. rideride


    i know exactly what you mean. about a week ago i was goin to hit the cliff drop and that box got so crowded that kids sat at the bottom of the f-in drop.i had to bail out and land on my stomach. and the kid just looked at me like it was my fault. dont let that get to you. kids like that suck anyway and they have no room to talk.
  7. I was at BB one day, i dont know if this is what they do everyday, but they were blastin' some pretty chill tunes. chili peps, sublime, stuff like that. of course i'd love to be listenin' to some gangsta shit while ridin' but who doesnt like the red hot chilli peppers yno? so we should get a system and play stuff like that. and i would love to have a tow rope up at cascade, when i lived in CT my old mt. had one. i miss that.
  8. Is anyone doin' the competition at bear on the 8th? me and one of my friends might do it, just wonderin' if anyone else is hittin' it up.
  9. just got back around 8. it wasn't bad, just a few problems. c-box was set up terribly, you would either have no speed or go at it at a terrible angle. the one straight box at the top was wayy too over crowded, and the gator hole to the right was pissin' me off. there was an awful excuse for a jump, i pulled one 3, but it was crappy as hell considering you oculd never get speed. and the down flat double box throws you to the left. granted i had a few nice butters on it, just takes a while to get used to. staircase was alright, just made me mad that the rail was basically ride on. but besides that bear was real nice today, anyone goin' up tomorrow?
  10. haha ive see you a few times too. i wear a volcom newspaper outfit so if a guy says hi to you tomorrow wearin that dont be freaked out lol.
  11. I was suppose to head up tonight but i have a lacrosse game and work friday But ill be up there with my friends saturday n sunday. Anyone know if the big staircase will be open by saturday? or when it will be open.
  12. yeah forreal, i've been wanting to hit that big staircase all year. You think we'll have enough snow for it this weekend? and what about the car and the flat down flat boxes, any idea when they'll be comin out?
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