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Dan C

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Everything posted by Dan C

  1. Well, I edited this together about 2 nights ago and finally posted it up last night. It's old footage from the beginning of the season, but let me know what you think of it.
  2. Actually, I go to Camelback with my school's ski club. Their shit was terrible this year, I can't believe I even wasted the time to get a park pass. The smaller park was pretty fun though. I have heard good things about Blue and Sno, I was actually considering heading up to Sno to check it out if they're still open during the week after April 1st. Thanks for the advice anyways, I'll take it all into consideration.
  3. Well, since boulder apparently will no longer be open during the week, I've gotta find somewhere else to go after school. I usually go to Creek, but since that will now be closed after this weekend, I've gotta head out to PA for any more riding. So, my question to you is, where should I go that isn't over 45 minutes over the NJ/PA border on 80, looks like it will still be open for a while, and has a good park? Thanks in advance.
  4. Well, I'll be there.
  5. Well, I'm going up there tonight and I'll let you guys know how it looks. I'm really stoked on the pipe, it looks like it's gonna be mad fun.
  6. Well, anyone know what they've got up on Laurel? I've been looking up and I can't find any information on it whatsoever.
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