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Everything posted by splooshie

  1. spin slower... OR 15 ft jump = 360.. 30 ft jump = 720... OMG IM MAGIC
  2. i saw nice work peeps
  3. just eat a twix in the middle of your spin so you can think about how to land
  5. its rather expensive, especially considering theres no skiing in mumbai..it might not be worth it cool to hear your having a good time though
  6. 3 inches here in north jersey...but the snowing slowed down a bit...i hope school is canceled tomorrow!
  7. i only got a few inches.....
  8. doug have you ever seen him in person? JW
  9. exactly why i dont do them. my dad would beat the living shit out of me if i hurt myself skiing, especially after my skating injury....i hate soccer....only makes my life worse...
  10. every park website in pa is bad because weve got some of the crappiest stuff around, and only 5% of people know how to use it, the rest go off the sides of the lips or go a foot off the jump then ski down the other side.
  11. too bad the closest ski resort to mumbai is 1422 kilometers! whoever this is stop trying to be a friggin indian who comes to the poconos every year and somehow knows english SHOW YAH FACE
  12. i was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at night though. did you see a kid with white pants and a tealish-blueish jacket with a white stripe? beginner & regular parks were both terrible. no lips. no landings. barrel sticking out of the ground with no jump on? i guess a 4 foot ollie is needed..... and wtf was with the rainbow rails, box, thing????
  13. hard drinkin lincoln? looks like a drunk lincoln loop =D
  14. that is THE sickest thing i have ever seen. although, the ARG's are probably the biggest a ski should be.
  16. go to gore|gore=win
  17. ok i had a pretty good day today. all i pretty much did was lap freedom, but i did take a few runs down love. i got my box sliding skills back today.... (you gotta remember, i had to relearn everything after this injury...i forgot how to ride an escalator the other day... lol..) i skied my old t-halls today, i hope its the last time.. [i havent mounted my watch lives yet...] the jumps on freedom seemed a little better. i could clear each one perfectly even after i hit the flat box, idk but it just seemed to work today. it sucks to ski alone too. oh and was it just me hearing things or was someone yelling "splooshie" from the freedom park lift??
  18. sorry for the VERY late TR, but here goes, arrived at BB. said goodbye to my mom (lol) and continued on my adventure....soon finding out that in order for me to get on the hill...i would need a lift ticket! finally put my skis on for the first time this season, and ventured off to the merry widow lifts. my first run i decided would be upper sitzmark to freedom.... was picking it up pretty quickly, but i was trying hard to make solid turns and not wobble around...... didnt hit any jumps/rails on freedom that run... 2nd run-skied switch down the base area to merry widow again. skied multi-weg with speedy wide turns and (lols) some gaper in jeans was bombing it and fell halfway down,probably slid about 100 feet at the speed he was going lol. 3rd run-i honestly cant remember too well, but i did take boulder lift with a new yorker it was his first time snowboarding, he was OK at it though, at least he didnt fall off the lift..... went down most of bunny shuss or elbow or w/e switch, doiong little 180's and messing around in those little trails in the trees... 4th run-boulder lift, somehow ended up at freedom (WTF??) i guess i wsnt relly paying attention to where i was going... runs 5-....9? freedom.. trying to remember how to slide a box...kind of like the time when i forgot how to go down an escalator.... runs 10-13-draufganger...twas fun...alot of people were scared to go down though.. lol run 14-love park went off 1 jump straight aired it lol oh and i forgot to mention, it took 20 minutes for me to get 1 boot on...........dont ask........ was a good trip. i ate quiznos after so tht makes it even betta
  19. yeah i noticed that too when i was there the other day.... in my opinion they should- *make the take-offs less steep *therefore, making the landings longer/farther away *clean cut the takeoffs too bad im too nervous to do any park stuff anyway....i cant have another broken ankle......lol it was funny, i felt like a complete NOOB all i did was 50-50 a flat box and straight air the jumps .........i did so some little 180's off the ground though....either way its great to be back on the snow.....sorry for posting my tr here, i will post a better one in my thread
  20. finally. i will be heading out to BB in 15 minutes. posting a report when i get back
  21. splooshie


    ^waterparks dont run in cross year intervals...... and i didnt see anything on any of the camelbeach billboards
  22. i would go but people are probably gonna be smoking & shit. otherwise i would for a 4bi9 in IMAX damn those new imaxes are incredible
  23. volcom youth down jacket pics?
  24. maybe i should try snowboarding.... eh, ill stick to a rental if i want to try
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