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Everything posted by splooshie

  1. ill be in too if its legit..... mostly because bb is closer
  2. the program AND the season pass. hahaha.... i was gonna change it to one of my pictures i took at camelback but..... never did. that lollipop tasted really good....... ill change it back right now hahaha
  3. is there some kind of discount for the season passes when you join???? 865$ really isnt within my reach.....
  4. ill be at bb on thursday & friday. ill be wearing a white and dark blue quicksilver jacket, black pants, and electric green plaid goggles. ill be skiing 06 t-halls. holler at me if you see me.....
  5. the blue mountain website dosnt work for me so id like to know about blue's freeski program. im interested because usually i dont ski with anyone, and it would be great for me to be in some sort of club. any details would be nice, weather alot of people are in it or what.
  6. nope
  7. I have to start saving up now for skis, and just wanted to know some of your opinions so i have an idea of what to get. P.S. i demoed the armada LTD's at tremblant and they skied really, REALLY good.
  8. sorry i didnt report yesterday but here goes, glenns right, the snail box shouldnt be on the snow. its in the wierdest place behind the fence and you can never get enough speed to get up it. i liked the jump, id say about a 15 footer, plus it wasnt rutted out which was good. battleship is kinda wierd because its ride on, it would actually be easier with a gap on in my opinion. flat-down was a smallish gap, and as previously said if your going remotely fast you will land on the down. laurel glade wasnt open, but the park crew guys were sessioning everything. rhodo did look nice, too bad it was closed..... and glenn, what were you wearing yesterday? i wish i would meet a fellow pasr.....
  9. im headin out in 5 min, ill report on my trip when i get back, round 8ish.
  10. we finally decided on our spring break trip, im soooo glad my uncle lives at mt hood. expect reports daily april 6-11.
  11. first of all, dont call it a snowboard box. nowadays, people can ACTUALLY SKI ON BOXES
  12. im going to cb tonight and wanted to know if the parks will be open at any time. the website says, "on hold" for all 3 parks and i dont know really what that means. thanks in advance
  13. it was breathtaking...... it also was said 100,000 times. also, we should all be able to enjoy skiing whatever the circumstance is, thats why i dont care if camelbacks park sucks.
  14. i was there last year in early march. stratton had best quality, mount snow had most jumps and rails, soso quality. okemo had a mix of bot quantity and quality. all the jumps at every place were about 20-45 ft.
  15. mt. snow, okemo, & statton are best choices.
  16. renegade is never open. the only time ive seen it open was like, 4 years ago.
  17. i wanted to go soooo bad to that..... but my parents wouldnt let me go because its to far of a drive.
  18. splooshie

    Park skis?

    get some invaders.... a good ski brand new and its only 250$. you can get good bindings for about 100$ on ebay, and you can get 1-2 year old new boots for 100-200$. i got my poles 3 years ago, they were 25 bucks and there still in good shape. adds up to about 500$ also, get boots that are just touching the tips of your does when you put them on. it may feel not right at first, but when you actually ski the boot will flex, thus creating room between the end of the boot liner and your toes.
  19. im sorry to say this, but one time i forgot my poles at home and had to ski park WITHOUT them. and even when i was skiing switch people were still yelling from the chair things like, "HEY SNOWBLADER, OH WAIT YOUR A SKIER." or how about "ONLY IDIOTS SKI WITHOUT POLES LOSER!!!" so anyway, what im getting at is that i think the majority of freeskiers dont like the way it LOOKS skiing without poles.
  20. if afraid you are 100% wrong......
  21. your right about the elans. but, alot of whats good about a ski is if it has YOUR OWN prefrences. i think atomic makes pretty stiff skis, and thats good for racing and all, but its all about personal prefrences. i dont really like stiff skis , even for racing.
  22. the worlds best racers only say atomics the best because they get paid the most money by them. that and there the sponsors of the usa ski team. im my opinion, fischer makes the best race skis. heres my list. 1.fischer 2.volkl 3.rossignol 4.atomic 5.k2 6.nordica 7.salomon 8.elan 9.dynastar 10.blizzard
  23. 60/40 allmountain/park right? mount them at -4
  24. yesterday at shawnee off the second jump in bushkill, stuck a 5, and yaknow, im going backwards so i cant see anything, so when im turning back fowards after i land some idiot kid on a snowboard is just sitting there and i double eject when i hit him, got a bruise now about 6 inches in diameter on my hip. i was so mad when i hit him that i walked over and he was all like, "you gotta watch where your goin homo" so i say, "you better watch where your sitting", and then i gave him a bloody nose. im usually not the person to do that, but ive had so many experiences like this i just have had enough. im really glad cb got a park pass program.
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