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Everything posted by splooshie

  1. when i went to get a park pass i walked over to where they were storing the rails. that one, "jibzilla" box they had looked fun, and i think they had a flat rail, flat down rail, and flat down flat rail.
  2. i cant belive mike douglas was saying the names of the tricks wrong, considering hes a newschooler himself, and sponsered by salomon.
  3. THIS IS STUPID THIS IS STUPID THIS IS STUPID THIS IS STUPID THIS IS STUPID THIS IS STUPID THIS IS STUPID alright.... this whole argument is about the park sooo.... i have read every post and come to a conclusion. if you dont know how to ride park, stay out of the park, or learn the proper way to ride the park. camelback is being stupid and theres nothing we can do about it. DONT HATE on people that dont ride park if you ride park and vice versa. uhh..... thats all i could come up with.
  4. wait... what did you mean "graduate", isnt he like only 14? but yea i ski on thalls
  5. no im not looking to buy skis... just was curious.
  6. ill go but only if there giving away red bull hats.
  7. yea itll be open to public
  8. splooshie

    Rooster tails!

    what kind of skis have the biggest? i have 06 thalls and they have relativeley small ones. i heard line has huge ones, but i dont know anyone with lines.
  9. i know but i havent been in the bushkill park yet this season so... thought i could use some practice
  10. im gonna be at shawnee this saturday cuz of the nextxsnow qualifiers. if anyones going... itd be great to have someone to ride with. P.S. the bushkill park is opening this saturday if that helps
  11. i was just at camelback yesterday, there was at least 48 inches on birches
  12. didnt anyone know 3 people died on that waterslide the first day it opened and THATS why the park closed. my dad just told me, so yea, belive it.
  13. lol wtf why didnt anyo ne choose armada beside me and a few others???????!!!!
  14. its definiteley at least 10-13 feet right now, zauggs are real real big
  15. why is the subtitle of this thread "hump gone bad"? i thought it was some unnessessary sex thread when i first saw it lol
  16. on the big boulder park website it says there building a new park. is this true??? if so what kind of features will be on it?
  17. now its called vernon valley, its by mt creek.
  18. anyone gonna be at cback tonight? ill be there
  19. they use plexiglass on the boxes at shawnee. if uve ever slidden the boxes there... well... you can tell that its horrible for sliding
  20. heh... its mt creek
  21. i think we should all put 2000$ in an buy an abandond ski hill.
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