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Everything posted by splooshie

  1. just bought the unlimited pass, hoorah for being a youth!!
  2. i didnt think guests could go in the lounge
  3. GO MAKE A SCREENAME! i cant even count how many guests i see reading topics now..... so if your a guest reading this, start posting! and the reason i made this in gear is because i didnt know where to put it, just so you guys know
  5. next year after a big storm im gonna pile up 20 feet of snow and put a rail on it, and charge 5 dollars for people to session it. or i could just keep it all to myself... lol
  6. about the "buy a ski resort" thing, look up oak mountain. it used to have a high speed lift and everything, but got closed down because nobody came in the 05-06 season... exept for me. it got about 200in a season, and they have some really cool runs there. theres also one thats suuuuper steep, i dont even know how they cleared the trees. its like a 35 degree pitch. i think there asking 2 mil for it... could probly get it for around 1.75
  7. splooshie


    hah, was kidding bout the 1260s, just an exadduration if you didnt already know... trust me though, if you already know how to do 7s on skis, its soooooo easy to do on snowblades
  8. wow... i just realized this is the longest thread i have ever made in any forum...
  9. someone should make an edit with inverted colors the whole way.... then the snow would be black and that would be mega steezy
  10. do during the santa rosa storm
  11. splooshie


    im down... ill even bring my own snowlerblades.... i can actually rip on em .... haha its so easy to do like 1260's off like every little jump
  12. they should make one of these parks on some random hill..... or.... when i finally win a scratch off i will fill my entire yard with neveplast jumps and jibs and everyone will be invited!!
  13. my favorite trails are alta chutes in jh, frosty's freeway in breck, and lower deleware glades at shawnee
  14. yea sponsor me vid and i dont think its that wierd
  15. i have a park open in my backyard....
  16. haha i know, he was like "theres some people throwing down on the jump" and "yo i need to see more people throwing down"
  17. haha no guys, that guy was trying to sell me the t-halls too, but i have 06's so no, it wasnt me. and i dont care if i get sponsored by surface, ill still always love armada. ugh... now i have to wait till july to ski.....
  18. just got back, i met luamilaluewhatever, shadows, saw nips, papasteeze, big ben, matt-stunt, pretty much every one i knew was there. i felt real sick, but still had a good time nonetheless. oh yea and shadows our crew was tearin it up.... marcus was doing insane today for anyone that didnt know who i was, i was the kid with long hair with a long sleeve brown shirt and white snowpants. i also was skiing on my trusty-t-halls
  19. uuuugggghhhh.... woke up this morning.... 101 fever..... oh well..... maybe ill sweat it off hope to see all you guys there!
  20. ugh.... i feel soo sick today... my mom jst took my temp and i have a 102..... but im still going to mayday.... oh well guess i just wont do as well...
  21. so, i just ordered my watch lives, so i guess its about time to sell my first pair of skis well twin-tips that is.... theyve been ridden 2 years, it had the usual armada trademark..... chips off the topsheet.... base is in really good shape, the only damage is cosmetic. nothing that will affect the preformance. there are 4frnt, atomic, electric, and "ski the east" stickers on them.... im asking 200. great skis for anyone my age, or someone short (no offence to anyone this may apply to).... so heres a summary- moderate wieght, great bindings, pretty moderate swing wieght, medium flex, AWESOME STCKER JOB!! ill be putting on ebay in bout a week or so, along with a psp for anyone whose interested....
  22. nah, just the whole company in particular. the only gear i got from them was goggles when i first got sponsored, but other than that i havent communicated with them much. but i think the guy that was emailing me name was marc or mike or something... cant really remember
  23. sounds like a good time, i wish i was skiing yesterday....
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