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    never summer evo 155 burton missions and burton hails
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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. yea that girl throws 5s all over
  2. bb!

    cork 5

    hey dude u do corked 3s not 7s tahts why wat ur trying to do is a corked 1
  3. fuck method guy about 50% park at boulder and that bullshit and of course papasteeze he can suck my left nut boulder should go more park this year but not completely cause its fun to make shit on ur own and find shit out but boulder will get revenue if they have a great park appeal and fuck sno mtn. and their gay ass commercials
  4. getting a pass isn't bad, mount snow and attatash will just increase the popularity of bb so everyone will know about our parks and this year bb i know has been the busiest its ever been and pretty much a $250 season pass after the other items are taken into account its pretty cheap and papasteeze one moment your praising big boulder and the next your criticizing it dont play two sided and if you want to try and make changes talk to them not everyone else
  5. bb!

    boulder park

    boulder park has a sick channel gap the up box from widow sum other jumps the downflat down at the bottom it has a hikeable park with a sick flat down flat a straight wide rail and the picnic table
  6. props to chas guldemond a fellow east coast rider in the x-games its nice to see more of them showing those west coast riders whats up although now hes a western rider, lol
  7. with freedom and widow just being redone everyone has been hitting up those parks and as to boulder sum nights they get hard and the filming isnt as good at night so they only rlly film boulder on weekends or holidays cause of the limited amount of light on weekdays, coming up will be a sick video of louie hanft team rider
  8. nope hikeable park at the bottom of boulder
  9. im srry about my post b4 i talked with huf and looked at crossmountain connecting tannenbaum to merry widow and that trail comes out right into merrywidows first jump and that is why it isn't a tail this year and possibly from now on
  10. at boulder on weekends they generally close their parks at 430 to groom for the night riding
  11. yea pretty much they aren't talking about the snowskate park papa hike-able rails, boxes gap to rails c boxes and all line up side to side other mountains like windham have parks like these, and the stuff is still in the designing/making
  12. yea just commit forward more
  13. oops srry 100% open not 1000% and jf shows floyd's folly as closed as tolittle cliff huck maybe they combined it with rivershot or floyd's folly since its the only way down that part and i've heard they got rid of the glades risk it and mad tree
  14. it could just b saying jack frost then it says bb 1ooo% open as to cross mountain thats not rlly a trail so they took it off
  15. you forget pushing all of the snow for the features, possibly 10 feet is exageerated but they have been pounding the crap out of that trail
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