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About Freerider

  • Birthday 11/10/1990

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Mountain Bike and SnowBoard
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek

Contact Methods

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Freerider's Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. park was great yesterday, cascade was set up really nice, snow was slow in the middle of the day, but became this really nice grainular snow. A-frame is super sick.
  2. New setup is fun and legit... today was awesome conditions early in the day everything was perfect including the snow. towards the end of the night is was super fast and not too icy in most spots. tomorrow should pretty nice as well
  3. damn i want this jacket lol
  4. hahahaha i know same its such a sick jacket, oldschool style but nice looking at the same time
  5. hey guys i need some help i was at bear creek the other week and i saw someone with a black columbia pullover (windbreaker look to it) It was black with pink outlines on the zippers and neon yellow or green on the inside of the hood, thats all i could really tell just by looking at it. I couldn't really find anything on their site, so it could be an older model lemme know if you guys have any ideas.
  6. Yeah alert all of your friends about this date!
  7. Any Gaper Gear is welcome!
  8. ^^ Same
  9. Freerider

    Gaper Day

    Ok well since it seems a lot of us want a Gaper day i was thinking maybe it should be the last saturday before closing. Share your thoughts.
  10. Yo dude i like your avatar. i am due for a new pair of fresh nikes. Lol my 6.0's are getting old
  11. I am going friday and saturday
  12. Do you go to East? lol
  13. Yo i live in Exton. Do you go to East?
  14. Ha if they are going to sell it i am so getting it.
  15. Hey this is kinda geared towards the staff at BC, but maybe you guys know if Bear Creek would be willing to sell one of their unused boxes. (preferably the tiger box in the woods)
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