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Everything posted by Tom
acutally, if you look at who runs wunderground, they have some pretty good credentials. However in this case, I looked up the historical weather for yesterday, not a forecast. Plus we are both saying the same thing. Unless you are there.....
www.wunderground.com However, my point is that weather reports are general, not site specific. Unless you were actually there, say at the summit of CB, you don't know what the actual wind gusts were, so trying to say it was right/wrong to close the lifts is stupid.
Maximum gusts listed for yesterday in JH were only 41 mph
Really? Not according to the official weather report. Max winds of 29 mph. HMMM Who is spouting the bs?
: http://www.redcross.org/ or http://www.americanheart.org/ Also check with local EMS. They often run courses Additional info: http://www.early-defib.org/ : http://www.chainofsurvival.com/
Well the good news is part of the course deals with being nervous about doing the wrong things and about being sued (not a problem due to Good Samaritan Laws)! Get Trained! You might just be able to save a life one day. Push to get friends and co-workers trained. The life they may save might be yours!
"AED" stand for Automated External Defibrillator . You have probably seen these units in shopping malls, airports etc. If someone goes into sudden cardiac arrest, for every minute that goes by without defibrillation, their chance of survival drops 10%. The units are relatively inexpensive ($1,000 - $2,000) and are easy to use once you have the training. The Red Cross "First Aid / CPR /AED for the Workplace" training class is a 7 hour class that gives you the basics.
Sounds like you did the right thing. Call 911, don't move him and keep him warm. May I suggest you contact the local Red Cross or AHA branch and take a First Aid / CPR / AED course. And talk to your boss about purchasing an AED for your workplace. AED's SAVE LIVES
Wow. You must be really cool to do be able to drive that fast! LOL
(emphasis added) How old are you?
Yes I think we all would be very surprised...
Steeze, I would think she would need serious beer gogles to hook up with you!
Papa, Can you show me and event that did those things, held in early May, on a Pa. mountain that suceeded? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.... Unless it is your money-or your shareholders money. How much do you think doing what you suggested would cost? A late May rail jam is a high risk venture. Rain, warm weather etc. can limit it. You suggested they have the entire mountain open. Have you looked a the web cam?
You must forgive Papasteeze as you see he lives in a Holiday Inn Express......
JFBB are closed today. CB and Blue are open.....
Method, Caveat Emptor..... Your car analogy is interesting, but my point would be if you bought a car that didn't run as advertised and you kept taking it back to the dealer and it never got fixed, wouldn't you eventually take it somewhere else to get fixed? If you didn't and kept driving it as is, at what point is it your fault for it not getting fixed? Papa, Caveat Emptor I understand you felt you were misled. You also reinforced my point. The reason you sometimes go to CB is because for you, at those times, it is the best option available to you. You choose to drop your kid off to ride the pipe for practice this past weekend at CB over Blue, BB, Elk, Shawnee? Why? Becuase as bad as you say CB pipe is, you felt it was the best choice for your kid to practice. You don't ride BB in their forum for not having a pipe and not being willing to invest in one. Would you be happier if CB removed the pipe, sold the zaugg so your kid had nowhere to practice?
As a customers, we all have choices. If you continue to support a business that doesn't meet your needs or expectations why is that the businesses fault? At what point should you be responsible for the decision you made? At some point you have made a decision that, in balance, that business is your "best" option. Loudly complaining about a business you continue to patronize is inane. I find it amusing that Papa continues to vociferousoy complain and denigrate CB, yet continues to go there. Why does he goe there? Becuase every time he goes he has decided it is his best option at that time, better than the other mountains in the area. He doesn't like the park or pipe at CB. He doesn't like Blue. He likes the park at BB, but wouldn't recomend they install a proper pipe. He likes Elk, but I haven't heard what he thinks of their park. Frankly, I don't think you could please him.
a quick look at the webcam will give you an idea on how crowded the slopes are.
If pipes are on their way out at most places, you should be thankful for and supportive to CB for their pipe. How does the pipe compare to others in the area? Blues? JFBB's? if the pipe was shutdown becuase of low use, then you understand as you said pipes in general have a poor ROIs, and maybe, just maybe had you been more vocal in a positive manner about CB, its park and pipe, more people would come to CB and use the pipe, improving the ROI.
I'm not sure I really understand why you are upset. You've had nothing good to say about CB's pipe on this board and have even said pipe, as a sport, is on its way out in popularity. Next time do everyone a favor and stay in NH or VT or wherever you where.
Papa the hypocritical moron
Papa, So what was the point of your comment "Just do them at 9 or 10 am and leave the mountain closed. no one will gripe except a couple of us here."
Quote from Papa "Just do them at 9 or 10 am and leave the mountain closed. no one will gripe except a couple of us here." Papa's favorite hill is BB which is doesn't even bother opening until 3 on weekdays!