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About jbo246

  • Birthday 09/20/1990

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    k2 public enemies marker bindings oakleys
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Blue Bell PA

jbo246's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. it rained by me today.....just want to know if bear had the same weather bc i am not ready for the season to be over just yet
  2. jbo246


    nice come back
  3. they should just get another and have both!! that way everyone gets the best of both worlds.......butter box would be clutch!!!!!
  4. jbo246


    im going to be short and to the point.........skiblades are GAY AS HELL
  5. why do you have them....they look nice as shit....are they out for sale yet i was a little confused about what you were saying on the post
  6. its a good idea but thats alot of people that have to agree one thing. I think we should try it tho
  7. realy...you never know any more. The weather is so unpredictable, i dont look at the weather more than one day in advance.
  8. wats the deal with the subaru....where is going and whats the plan, are they going to do the same thing like blue and the bus?
  9. i was lookin at the web cams...looks great so far, nice and smooth......wats on the jump line now, any rails......it looks like cascade is kinda empty.
  10. that sounds great......when you say "or" what are you going to do with all the othere stuff you arnt going to use. sounds great tho
  11. i could see where you are coming from about the table and stalling, but me being a skiier that isnt something i would do bc it just doesnt float my boat. But its a good change for the people who wanted some variety in the park, and i guess that table gives the park the variety.....and the kids is saw had no plans of stalling..they jsut got stuck up there and was in the way
  12. new set up today was great....jump line was great...not too mant complaints....some ice later on but thats expected good job park crew
  13. the table has a landing at the bottom but it is a long ass drop...it almost goes straight up i saw some kids go on and have to go back down bc they didnt have enough speed. overall the new changes were alot better..just need some fixing on black bear with the rails...and cascade is alot better the jump line is awsome and the first box(flat down) is prob one of the best rails that they have set up awsome day!!!!
  14. does any one know what the new set up is going to look like?
  15. What do you have planned for the new set up?........what are you going to do with the teacup/rollercoaster box?......are there going to be more jumps besides the jump line. great work so far keep it up!!!
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