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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. I have UA and a knock off brand of the same stuff from sports authority that I just paid 14 dollars for on clearence and let me tell you they do the ecact same thing.
  2. I agree about the hanging out right at the unloading area - then as I was coming up ther was a guy who had fallen and was trying to shimmy to the side, there was an empty chair behind us so I said stay there and we went around him my wife to his left and I to his right and he got pissed at me for telling him to stay still.
  3. So then you will teach them to act like most park rats complain like everyone acts like? Why would you do that? If more park rats took the time to teach rather then bitch your situation would improve, I used to skate in my younger days and I used to think the same thing. If only I educated then it would have made or a better situation for all of my pack, So as I see the point of what this thread was to try to take that experience and relay that down that maybe there is a better way to say what you are saying.
  4. Alright WHAT THE hell does all black have anything to do with how a person rides???? Also remember you had to start somewhere. Parks are for anyone who wants to go in there. If you don't like it then don't ever leave the park becuase you where color and color is only for the park. Sounds idiotic doesn't it
  5. It really is amaizing watching this thread that oh so many people are just missing glenn's point. He is not complaining that CB has not dedicated enough resources to the park he is complaining that they dedicated the wrong resources to the park That is almost like being given a hamburger when you asked for a hot dog and you can see the hamburgers right there. He is not asking for CB to allocate more to the park he is asking CB to allocate correctly.
  6. thank you sir - and let me tell you snow board pants are rough to look cute in
  7. According to the conditions report the D carpet lift is closed but cub run is open - as I am planning on taking some very inexperienced skiers/riders here this weekend that is the most vital run for them - how do you get to the top of this run without that carpet lift, hike?
  8. I don't even use the park but the effort you guys are making for those that do is fantastic.
  9. You beat me to it only trail I have not gone down (well that and the blacks, maybe by years end)
  10. papa - I wish I could elaborate more - he just stated that he has gone there and as a whole liked BC better. (He's not a very wordy person) I know that BC added another beginer park this year and don't think that will be so bad. SkiCamelBack - Rates are not really an issue it is really coming down to, travel vs mountain experience. I want to go to camelback as I want to ski some of the trails that are on the mountain I just have a fear with the inexperience of most of the riders.
  11. papsteeze - thanks My brother (1) has been on jfbb and stated he didn't like them at all and liked bear creek better.
  12. I am taking my family out to a mountain this weekend and we are in a bind as we do not know which mountain to go to. We have been to bear creek last year (me, wife and brother(1)) twice We are all advanced beginners, we will ski/ride the whole mountain at bear creek except the black trails. and the other two skiers (brother(2) and brother(3)) will ski/ride just the greens in the begining and we might get them on some easier blues. Bear Creek is about 1 hour and 10 minutes from us. The other mounatin we were looking at was camelback - we have never been there however it looks like it might provide us with a good day skiing/riding as from the pictures the trails look to be a little longer and it has more of them. Plus it's just a different mountain to ski so that is always good. But I am begining to get concerned about some of the stuff I am reading about on here about the skiiers/riders at camelback. Camelback is about 2 hours away I am reaching out to this community to help us have the best weekend possible
  13. I am taking my family out to a mountain this weekend and we are in a bind as we do not know which mountain to go to. We have been to bear creek last year (me, wife and brother(1)) twice We are all advanced beginners, we will ski/ride the whole mountain at bear creek except the black trails. and the other two skiers (brother(2) and brother(3)) will ski/ride just the greens in the begining and we might get them on some easier blues. Bear Creek is about 1 hour and 10 minutes from us. The other mounatin we were looking at was camelback - we have never been there however it looks like it might provide us with a good day skiing/riding as from the pictures the trails look to be a little longer and it has more of them. Plus it's just a different mountain to ski so that is always good. But I am begining to get concerned about some of the stuff I am reading about on here about the skiiers/riders at camelback. Camelback is about 2 hours away I am reaching out to this community to help us have the best weekend possible
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