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    Dynastar Trouble Makers - 07 model
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  1. well congratulations you've made yourself look like an idiot. How could you possibly judge snowboard patrollers that way? To make the judgement that a snowboarding patroller is not equal to a skiing patroller is not only poorly thought out but it also lacks any credible evidence. I have never seen a patroller on a board have any trouble bringing down a sled, and in fact i'd go as far as to say it's easier for someone on a board to have better stopping and control power than a skier. It's silly that you would say that because you're taking credibility away from the boarders who patrol and who have outdoor emergency care skills that are equal to if not better in some cases than patrollers on skis. Pull your head out of your ass, especially after you fall and get treated to a very respectful and well performed incident response by a patroller on a board.
  2. haha what the hell does wearing all black have to do with anything? I used to rock an all black outfit and i know plenty of people who do the same.
  3. I see where everyone is coming from but I have to disagree with the you because I don't see how the weather doesn't have everything to do with it. The reason why parks such as breckenridge/mammoth/park city/etc. have such enormous features and all well manicured at that does have a lot to do with the terrain park staff but it also requires a massive amount of snow....massive amounts that the coast range/wasatch/rocky mountains receive. It would take most of the snow at camelback or any pocono resort to create a jump as large as those found out west. It is possible for a jib to be set up with minimal snow, but it almost seems more worth waiting for a bit more snow in order to put something of quality together.....keeping the entire issue of everyone complaining in any scenario aside.
  4. Aspera37


    In response to the somewhat coherent, minimally sensible, and essentially obnoxious post made by papa-skeeze above: It's funny that you choose to laugh at my statement that the level of skill and riding out west is much better than on the east coast, especially since you claim that the promo was shot mainly away from the east coast. The 15-20 foot jumps included in the promo can only be found in the beginner parks out west, but how could i possibly assume that he who knows all was unaware of that? silly me. And while i am just dying to tune in to NBC, I'm sadly not going to catch it. My post was not aimed at taking credit away from your children, it was aimed at putting you in perspective so that you might consider re-wording the things that you say. There is a difference between being a proud parent, and the parent that everyone cannot stand because they simply refuse to stop trying to make their kid out to be superior. In addition, I am not bashing kids who compete. I used to compete in slopestyles on the east coast when i skied there all the time...it's a great experience and tons of fun riding with your friends. Try actually reading what people type before your fingers go to work responding with whatever the latest thoughtless comment you've come up with is. lastly, please stop "LOL!"-ing. although i do realize the parts of your life that aren't busy with your kids completely revolve around forum websites and posting every other half hour each day, i'm sure there's a bit of time in there for you to come up with something more intelligent to voice how funny you think something is other than what middle school girls use while instant messaging each other.
  5. Aspera37


    Wow. After reading page after page of these posts it was just too hard to continue sitting here without addressing the absolute stupidity demonstrated by papa-toolbox. 1.) Recognize the fact that you live on the EAST coast, not the west coast or even the midwest for that matter. The east coast experiences "bad" winters relatively often, and should not be a surprise if you have been living and skiing there as you obviously have. It doesn't make any sense to me how you can blame camelback for trails being no good by 11am when the east coast has barely been scraping by with snow anyway. On that note, how can you whine about the park not being totally open and at the highest caliber yet? It would be impossible for the mountain to deliver on all its promises with park improvements if it lacks the snow to implement the changes. 2.) "I think I am in a unique position with an expert racer and park rat" "Forget that my one kid just won 2 out of the 3 competitions in Vermont 2 weeks ago or that he will be competing Nationally representing Stowe or the BB Team or his sponsors. And certainly my other kid, who is very likely one of the fastest J4 racers in PA. My kids have nothing to do with whether I know anything about snow related activities. I am just the taxi. LOL!" Please give me a break. Give us all a break. Again, you live on the EAST COAST, racing at a mountain with barely any vertical feet does not qualify anyone as being an "expert racer" and also does not qualify you to boast about one of your children being one. It's more annoying than i could put into words reading your arrogant comments about your children and how amazing you claim them to be. I'm sure they're great kids, and nothing against them - they should continue doing what they do and enjoying it.....but to listen to your claims is just insane. You have your sons promo video up and that's great for a 12 year old, but why don't you come out to Colorado again and watch everybody in the park? The caliber of riding on the east coast versus colorado and further west is COMPLETELY different. For all of you complete idiots claiming the next x-games winner....please save it or just stop commenting because you are all so far from reality. I used to ride at mountain creek for years before coming out to colorado and skiing at breck, keystone, vail, etc. and it was quite the shocker at first, and a little bit of an adaptation period to find out that everyone was going a ton bigger, throwing more technical tricks, and with a much greater deal of style than can be seen in PA and NJ.
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