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Everything posted by TT C6

  1. Go head, Melissa! But, leaving the husband out is "no fair" in my opinion.
  2. Uhh, I don't ride Frost. I ride Boulder. But, I obviously have experience with all of JFBB. I'm comparing the entire mountains at JFBB to the whole mountain at CB. I was with other people at CB, so we rode the entire mountain instead of my usual park only routine. I am a HUGE Boulder supporter. I actually get a lot of shit for it. With that said, I liked everything about CB over JFBB, including the jump lines at CB, which I enjoyed more than Boulders. But, the crowds and lift lines at CB absolutely RUINED it for me.
  3. CB wan NOT icy at night. Which surprised me. I assume it normally wil be iced out by night, especially the landings on the features in the parks, right? If night conditions at CB this weekend are like that all season, CB is worth it IMHO.
  4. How good are Stowe's parks this year? Am I wrong for steering my friends to Mt Snow instead of Stowe for next week?
  5. That's the EXACT same thing I reported. Hope you have a good time later this week. Please report on the conditions of the landings. I'm still bummed I didn't get to ride Spike. Those jumps looked like a lot of fun.
  6. I'm down with whatever. I've stayed in the best suites at Breck and the Grand Summit Hotel at Snow, and I've gladly slept on the floor in motel rooms. As long as I don't have a date with me for the weekend, I do NOT care. My friends and I are doing a trip to Mt Snow next weekend if anyone wants to come. Also, if we can combine our planned trip to Stowe and this trip to lower costs for everyone, I am down. Even I can co-exist with Doug. We can just go our separate ways.
  7. Me and 2 of my friends talked about this today. We are doing VT next week. I want to do Snow, they want to do Stowe. I'd like to do Snow next week and propose this weekend at Stowe to them as well. What do you guys think about renting a condo? We rented a condo last year for the US Open and it was $65 a person for the entire weekend.
  8. P-Architect: The jump line on the bigger park is SICK !!!! (Rhodo?) The most fun I've ridden all year. I actually preferred it to Boulder's. The landings were in great condition too. What are the current sizes lip to knuckle? When do you freshen the bigger jump line so I can plan a trip back? The crowds and lift lines SUCKED, but I can't wait to get back to CB when the crowds are less of an issue.
  9. Camelback's park was NICE !!!!! I even preferred CB's jump line to Boulder's. But, 30 minutes in the lift lines? WTF! I would love to ride CB during the week, but the weekend lines are just too much. Not to mention, I felt like a running back trying to avoid bodies on the way down.
  10. Not to rain on your parade, but the landings were thick SOLID ice yesterday.
  11. Thanks for posting that description. Much appreciated. Do you think JF is worth hitting this Sunday, or would you just do LOVE/Boulder? I think I'm hitting Blue tomorrow. NICE. I'd like to ride with you at Boulder sometime.
  12. It sounds like you're hating on it. You and Poop ride BB all the time so I assume you can kill it. Why don't you both regiter tomorrow morning at BB and do the comp? John from Buckman's put a lot into the event and I'm sure it's going to be awesome. The only reason I'm not entering is I know that I SUCK compared to the kids that are registered. I'd still like to hear a report on ONE park from someone.
  13. No. It's a good thing. Buckman's is having their big slopestyle event. I just don't want to enter. But, you and Poop should. What's the latest with ONE park? Is it worth hitting.
  14. What's the latest on ONE park at JF? Last time there where 2 "jumps" and a hip. The 1st jump had ZERO gap and a flat landing, and the second jump was pretty poor as well. Have things improved enough that ONE is worth hitting since LOVE will be closed tomorrow?
  15. You coming Toast? Let me know where you will be.
  16. Who cares what I do on the jumps as long as I clear them? Do you thing I care what you, or anyone else, thinks? For the record, I spin off everything on LOVE and straight air on Boulder. So, I don't know who you have me confused with. Why don't you PM me where you are getting your info from. 9 year olds? Are you serious? Have the comp anywhere you want. Just don't close off LOVE to people who pay to use it every weekend like me. I won't make the drive to BB if I can't ride LOVE. If LOVE MUST be used, please only close it for the actual judged portion of the comp, then please open it back up as soon as possible. Does that sound fair ????
  17. Is this going to be on LOVE park or on BOULDER park ???? If it's on LOVE park, what hours will LOVE be closed to non-participants? I can've beleive it would be on LOVE. Boulder is the obviously better location. All I do is lap LOVE all day, so if LOVE is closed, I am going to be pissed. If I gotta participate to be able to ride LOVE on Saturday, please sign me up Johnny. If I'm in the comp, it will be the most pathetic showing ever. But, it's better than being stuck on the sidelines all day
  18. Sorry man. I've never been to Sno/Montage. Can anyone give me a run down of the jums? Lip to knuckle size and description? Thanks.
  19. Some friends and I are heading up on Monday. What will the park setup be for 2/23/09?
  20. This is going to be an extra setup for anyone who wants to learn. Guy or girl. So, I think the guy setup is more universal. If anyone has a womens gear available, I would consider it as well. She went with a smaller size. Sorry man.
  21. Although I wish BB would do a LITTLE more to maintain the landings, I am pretty happy this year.
  22. I'd like to buy this gear soon. Anyone have anything ??? Thanks
  23. I'm thinking of doing 1 or more daytrips this week in addition to the weekend riding my friends and I have been doing. Anyone from the Philly/NJ area interested in putting something together? Big Boulder is open at 8am this week instead of their usual 8am-9pm mid-week schedule. Anyone planning on any AM park sessions at BB this week?
  24. Link to video? Explanation?
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