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Everything posted by TT C6

  1. I PMd him after midnight and called him 1st thing in the morning to offer a ride. But, the roads got too icy and it was not worth it. Even though Robert and I are on TOTALLY opposite ends of the spectrum, I didn't want to leave a fellow PASR stranded if he was on my way. It's nice that you make your only motivation painfully clear. It's funny that a kid that accuses multiple strangers he never met of being pedophiles, yet he can't wait to pick up old men and get them in a car with him. Like I said, I believe you have issues that you are projecting. You should seek out some help. It's not your fault.
  2. I'm being dead serious right now. I told you about those inappropriate jokes. Do you have issues with sexual abuse? There ARE people to talk at school and you should do so if you are dealing with an issue. You are either projecting, or you are seriously insensitive to other people's issues.
  3. Who said what I used? If you are going to try to bust balls online, you have to be ready to get yours busted in return.
  4. So says the community college chef. Why don't you apply to Harvard. Wait. I know the answer.
  5. Nope. Just did you Mom in 8 different places.
  6. Now, I may have had sexual relations with you Mom. But, I'm no pedophile. I'm attracted to WOMEN. On a seious note- Calling someone that, when they are obviously not, is a crime. It's called slander. It can also leave you liable in a civil suit. Sexual abuse is a serious subject and can be painful for people when you bring it up. Especially when it's being used as a joke. Have some class.
  7. 5. Banged you Moms. Why do you think I call all of you "junior".
  8. OR, I don't like being called a liar by a child and it's time for you to learn a lesson. Get on it junior, time is waiting.
  9. And...you can make it as "interesting" as you like. I'm haooy to add humiliation or good ole fashioned cash to the mix. What;s $100 amongst friends, right ???? Naked chinese downhill in front of all PASR ???? Make it as interesting as you want. Get on it then, junior. I look forward to silencing the pastry boy.
  10. So, you agree to the terms then? YES or NO
  11. Let's make this interesting....... if I can prove it to Greg's satisfaction (Think Snow), he permanently banss you. If I can't prove it to Greg, he'll permanently bans me. Sound fair ??????????????
  12. Yo Steve- He just wanted to sleep in his own bed. Like I said, it's my fault. I shoulda put my foot down.
  13. If you don't make sarcastic and antagonistic posts, it doesn't apply to you. If you do make sarcastic and antagonistic posts, the it does apply to you. You weren't made a moderator so you could use your "power" for your own benefit. So, for your sake, don't theaten me.
  14. That's the problem with this site. Too many people act like juvenile punks by posting nothing but negative and sarcastic comments all the time. It's bull$hit. It's not cool. It only shows how much of an a$$hole you are. This is a SMALL forum. ALmost everyone is familiar with each other. We all share a common passion for the mountains. Why does so many people think it's OK to constantly start shit with people on here? You are NOT cool. Being a GREAT rider/skier, helping other people, having financial, professional, and educational success...... all things that are cool. Being a smart ass from behing your little computer=makes you a little bitch. Be helpful, be fun, be polite, or just shut the f@ck up already.
  15. I'd rather ride powder, or even slush, to "blue ice" too. But, I like to hit jumps. I assume Robert adn Moe are more into going fast and that's why they like the hard stuff. No big deal, just different tastes for different riding.
  16. I wouldn't have done that, but I should have put my foot down. Especially when my friends who had the room told him just to stay the night because it was reckelss to drive home.
  17. So you know. there was another guy in the car, I requested a 911 operator dispatch an ambulance to meet us at the Lansdale exit, and I deilvered the guy who crashed the 2009 Black Dodge Avenger (Biggie Smalls) to the turnpike authority at Landsdale. With that said, are you guys calling me a liar or just being douche bags again ??????? I doubt you would have had the balls to do what I did. You probably would have left the concussed guy in the middle of the road to be slid into by next car that came by. The only reason I didn't slide into him in the 1st place is because I was only going 40mph and I was paranoid as shit about wrecking that night after seeing and hearing about all the wrecks that day.
  18. The 1 hour it usually takes me to drive home turned into FOUR F-ing HOURS 2 Saturdays ago becaue some selfish ***** I carpooled with INSISTED I drive him home through the snow and ice. We even had a free hotel room to use. It made me reconsider the entire carpooling thing. We passed 12+ wrecks on the way up that morning and the NE extension had been closed a while. Even after midnight, we were comig across wrecks. The worst part of the night was finding a wreck where the diver was dazed and slumped over the roof of his wreck in the MIDDLE of the NE extension. This dude was the twin brother of Biggie Smalls and I had to wrangle him into the back seat of my car and get him to a ambulance before the traffic behind us killed us both. F-ing NIGHTMARE. After that, I'm avoiding really nasty roads this year. Also, as much of a dick as I can be online, I gotta work on being too nice/pushover in person.
  19. Hey Robert- Nice talking to you this morning you hippy freak. JFBB said the snow turned to sleet over and hour ago, so we're not going up cuz the turnpike is going to be NUTS. It's a shame, cuz I would have picked Robert up. If anyone goes. please post a TR ASAP. Thanks.
  20. JFBB is getting snow tonight and into tomorrow. They are reporting accumulation of 6-9 inches. Who want's to go? If anyone want to meet up, shoot me a PM. I want landings with fresh powder. If they get 9 inches tonight, will the landings at JF & BB have fresh pow?
  21. GREAT THREAD !!!!! I would like to hit as many of these parks as possible in a 1 week period so I can accurately compare them all. How do we get a dicounted lift ticket at all these spots so we can make our decisions for next year's season pass ??? I'll take quality over other factors every time. I'd rather deal hit 3 great features in a row and then get on a slow lift with practically NO LINES instead of hitting many shitty features that are poorly designed with bombed out icy landings and a fast lift with TONS of people.
  22. I hope you're right, man. I want to believe. But, my memories of Blue are bombed out landings and ice. Also, I prefer a straight trail for a terrain park and I thought the features were too close together last year. If I can find some discount tickets, I will come check Blue out for myslef. It is for me. But, you know Boulder has a lot more to offer than the 3 jumps on LOVE.
  23. Nope. Blue is NOT worth their retail prices. I will NOT pay it. If there is a deal available, I MIGHT come. If not, I'll keep riding the best parks in PA every weekend.
  24. Why don't you READ my post again? I posted that a BUCKMAN"S EMPLOYEE told us (me and TWO of my friends) the information. I was neither right or wrong. I just posted what an employee said. It sounds like YOU have a problem and are taking cheap shot at me in a public forum. If you got a problem, PM me.
  25. I've been hearing that from a few different people lately. I look forward to checking it out. But, I bought a season pass at another mountain because of the longer season and better conditions, so I am selective about where I buy day passes. I'm not paying top dollar to check out Blue after the bad conditions I have personally experieced there. But, I DO want to check out the current park setup.
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